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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:03 jpn joined 00:08 jpn left, bdju left, bdju joined 01:17 jpn joined 01:23 jpn left 01:35 lizmat_ joined 01:38 lizmat left 01:42 kylese left, kylese joined 02:14 MasterDuke joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 02:23 jpn joined 03:00 DarthGandalf left 03:13 guifa_ left 03:39 guifa_ joined 04:00 guifa_ left 04:13 kathe joined 04:15 kathe left 04:17 kathe joined
kathe do anyone of you know is mr. wall is well? 04:17
apologies about the weird english, i have not yet finished my first coffee. 04:18
i read a tweet mentioning mr. wall being unwell.
but that tweet was buried amongst new tweets and i'm unable to locate it. 04:19
i really hate the way twitter handles tweet, espeically those which are promoted.
again, apologies about my weird english. 04:20
okay, i gotta go now. 04:26
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raiph m: (Numeric,).are 09:07
camelia ( no output )
raiph m: say [Numeric, 42].are 09:08
camelia No such method 'mro' for invocant of type
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
raiph m: say $*RAKU.compiler.version 09:12
camelia v2024.04.85.g.46.a.8.f.3247
lizmat interesting :-)
09:17 thaewrapt left 09:21 jpn joined
antononcube Is there are an app that manages the "Changes" files in packages that is not "App::Mi6" ? 09:27
This is most likely an ignorant question -- I like the idea of maintaining a "Changes" file but "App::Mi6" does too many other things... 09:28
09:28 thaewrapt joined
lizmat some of the other things of App::Mi6 can be switched off in the dist.ini file 09:29
antononcube Ok -- thanks! 09:31
(I was hoping "App::Rak" can manage "Changes" files...)
lizmat hehe... it has trouble enough managing its own Changes file :-) 09:32
antononcube Right -- that could be a jump-starting motivation! 09:33
09:36 thaewrapt left
lizmat github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/e227a4f29c # raiph++ 09:39
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Manifest0 lizmat, hi. App::Rak is requiring rak with version 0.0.54, however zef is only able to find the version 0.0.53 10:11
lizmat that's from the repo, right? not from zef ?
Manifest0 from zef. 10:12
===> Updating: App::Rak:ver<0.2.25>:auth<zef:lizmat>
===> Searching for missing dependencies: rak:ver<0.0.54>:auth<zef:lizmat>
===> Failed to find dependencies: rak:ver<0.0.54>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Failed to resolve some missing dependencies (use e.g. --exclude="rak" to skip)
!!!> Failed upgrading *all* modules
lizmat that's... weird
10:13 jpn left
Manifest0 output from: zef update; zef upgrade 10:13
lizmat well, rak 0.0.54 is now in zef 10:14
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Manifest0 now i'm having another error: paste.opensuse.org/pastes/94f2f86a1b10 10:19
uninstalling App::Rak and install it again, solved the issue 10:26
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tbrowder antononcube: re App::Mi6, what is "too much" about it? also, have you looked at Mi6::Helper? I am starting to add a "lint" mode to check for synch between META6.json's "resources" list and a distro's "resources" directory. 10:42
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lizmat Manifest0: 0.2.25 of App::Rak and 0.55 of rak are now officially released 0.54 contained a new bug showing up on the release of App::Rak :-( 10:49
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Manifest0 lizmat, updated! Thanks! 10:58
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tbrowder note the lint mode in mi6-helper can be used in any distro repo, even one NOT using App::Mi6 management (which is highly recommended), right lizmat? 14:49
lizmat indeed 15:49
at least by me :-)
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Xliff Can anyone reach this site? testmoodle.mcucc-ta.org 17:16
antononcube @Xliff I get: > Your theme license is only valid for Moodle 4.1! You need to purchase the correct license to continue using this theme. > For your license upgrade options please contact us. 17:20
[Coke] also "not secure" 17:25
Xliff OK, thanks for verifying it can be seen. 17:31
I'm trying to get a certificate from certbot and it's saying it's got a firewall issue.
[Coke] you have something like azure front door in front of it? 17:36
(something that might act different depending on who is asking) 17:37
Xliff [Coke]: No. It's just a mess of a setup that I've inherited 17:59
Moodles are tempermental.
librasteve Xliff: maybe this can help (its a raku script that set's up certbox for a Wordpress site, but same steps I guess) github.com/librasteve/raku-CLI-Wor...akumod#L77 18:02
Xliff librasteve++ 18:16
Do you have one for Moodle? :)
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librasteve Xliff: sorry, no …. 20:32
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tbrowder librasteve: do you have any public examples of using that WP module? 21:03
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