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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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librasteve tbrowder: what do you have in mind? maybe a couple of blogs? or video shorts? 05:46
here’s something i did for the sister module CLI::AWS to pull together some advent stuff rakujourney.wordpress.com/2022/12/...-postvent/ … suggest I make a similar follow on blog(s) for CLI::Wordpress that shows how they work together … video of this in action is most compelling imo since one of the quirks of CLI::Wordpress is that it needs to run on a cloud based machine 05:56
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tbrowder librasteve: thnks, i remember that. 11:54
how much effort would it take to use something like vultr or digital ocean (or one's own apache2 server)? 11:57
probably a bunch. i'm always looking for an easy solution... 11:59
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librasteve tbrowder: I built CLI::AWS::EC2-Simple and CLI::Wordpress to work together for my needs (since these were just pieces I use at $day-job), but they were done in a separable way. 12:45
just to take CLI::Wordpress, the prerequisite is a unix box (only ubuntu is tested) with Docker, Docker Compose and raku installed... then you would ssh in and zef install CLI::Wordpress (see details in the README) then you can use the rawp cmd to launch, run and manage a vanilla Wordpress site 12:49
by launch, I mean it automatically (i) starts 5 Docker images (wordpress, nginx, wpcli, db and fileshare iirc) - we need nginx to make your wp production worthy - these will all autorestart on a stop/start cycle btw, (ii) starts nginx in http mode, requests a certbox certificate, restarts nginx in https mode and (iii) if you ask, sets up cron for the certbox auto-renewal 12:52
I have never used vultr or digital ocean, but any EC-2 like hosted machine with an IP address should be the same - so ... llet me know which parts of this (if any) that you need to be a public example 12:56
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ab5tract for those on x64 CPUs, I'd love to see the current performance ratio for R#1421 when JIT is involved 18:38
linkable6 R#1421 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1421 [performance] Sieve of Eratosthenes 42x slower than Perl 5
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