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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
wayland m: use Hash::Ordered; class A does Hash::Ordered { method f() {} }; say A.WHAT 00:37
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find Hash::Ordered in:
wayland lizmat: Bug report at github.com/lizmat/Hash-Ordered/issues/7 and test PR at github.com/lizmat/Hash-Ordered/pull/6 :) 00:39
.tell lizmat Bug report at github.com/lizmat/Hash-Ordered/issues/7 and test PR at github.com/lizmat/Hash-Ordered/pull/6 :) 00:53
tellable6 wayland, I'll pass your message to lizmat
ab5tract antoncube: that’s a weird thing to say. fez and zef are mostly orthogonal to each other 07:55
ab5tract I mean, as much as two intertwined and comingled tools can be 08:01
tbrowder [Coke]: yeah, the encoding thing didn't work, something else is amiss. windows is a strange beast. i remember three main weirdisms when i first heared agout windows: spaces in file names, noncase-sensitive file system, and \ instead of / for directory separation. ugh, "root of all evel" 11:53
i think it's a miracle raku (and perl) will even run at all on windows! 11:54
Geth ecosystem/main: ce69d4e2f6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove IO::String, its repo has been archived
tbrowder [Coke]: my bad, i now see i'm getting warnings about latest windows ver of raku isn't supported, duh! 12:59
rolling back...
antononcube @ab5tract I think you are spelling out exactly the reasons why some would write fez, given that zef exists. 🙂 13:02
Voting closes in 15 min here : www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...k_flavors/ 13:06
So, go vote please. 13:07
ugexe the latest version of windows is supported fine 13:35
antononcube I am using NativeCall for the implementation of "Math::DistanceFunctions::Edit". After installation that package and package that depend on it work fine, but if I log-out and log-in of my computer and try to run Raku packages that use "Math::DistanceFunctions::Edit" I get messages like : Cannot locate native library 13:40
'/var/folders/j5/vnk_my8d2r36k6tnsvn92wvr0000gn/T/.zef.1723166991.4199/1723166993.4199.499.66082542927006/resources/9AC824E4227008563C7587B42D61BF4272EA3A9E.dylib': dlopen(/var/folders/j5/vnk_my8d2r36k6tnsvn92wvr0000gn/T/.zef.1723166991.4199/1723166993.4199.499.66082542927006/resources/9AC824E4227008563C7587B42D61BF4272EA3A9E.dylib, 0x000A): tried: '/9AC824E4227008563C7587B42D61BF4272EA3A9E.dylib' (no such file), [...]
What would be the problem?
ugexe some module is stringifying %?RESOURCES<...> probably
i.e. using `is native(%?RESOURCES<foo>.Str)` instead of `is native(%?RESOURCES<foo>)` 13:41
github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-D...rakumod#L8 13:43
change to `my constant $library = %?RESOURCES<libraries/EditDistance>;`
antononcube @ugeexe Thank you! I just noticed that I am stringifying %?RESOURCES<libraries/EditDistance> and B.Duggan does not in his C-based packages, and dismissed it as the reason. 13:46
@ugexe Could I have figured out the stringyfication problem by reading the NativeCall documentation? (Well, at this point I just "browsed" it...) 13:51
tbrowder ugexe: sorry for the bad issue report--i misread the workflows log. 13:54
ugexe antoncube: im not sure, but the idea is more general than that. i imagine most people dont really intend to have a path saved to a compile time variable, because the path might change for whatever reason in the future 14:03
there is also a rakudo warning if you call stringification methods on a %?RESOURCES directly, but you wouldnt see those since you first called .IO on it (which unfortunately side-steps the warning for stringification) 14:04
antononcube @ugexe Thanks -- very interesting, useful... 14:06
Geth ecosystem/main: 686b8e5c78 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Algorithm::(Elo|LCS) and Pod::EOD

The live in the zef ecosystem now
ecosystem/main: 960a64b8a8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove araraloren's dists

They have been moved to Raku Community Modules and will be re-released in the zef ecosystem shortlyM
tbrowder .ask librasteve have you tried using 'run' instead of 'qqx' for running 'podtotext'? 15:25
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to librasteve
librasteve tbrowder: sorry, I have a habit of using qqx (with backticks as delimiters) - i normally have to do some trial and error and i find this is the most useful and forgiving for a fast turnaround and gives you back a result 17:51
tellable6 2024-08-10T15:25:52Z #raku <tbrowder> librasteve have you tried using 'run' instead of 'qqx' for running 'podtotext'?
librasteve feel free to tighten to run 17:52
tbrowder ok, trying now on windows only 18:22
qqx does fine on linux and macos for PDF::Extract, but windows is...bill gates' thing 18:24
so glad i saw *nix before windows 18:26
[Coke] tbrowder: the difference is that qqx uses a shell to run the command, while run runs it directly. 19:52
sorry, I mean: librasteve. 19:53
tbrowder [Coke]: thnx. there is something that windows doesn't support in that module and i haven't figured it out yet. looking now at nqp and raku source. 21:10
vendethiel m: class A { has Int|$?CLASS @.b; }; A.new 21:24
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Malformed has at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> class A { has Int⏏|$?CLASS @.b; }; A.new
evalable6 (exit code 1) 4===SORRY!4=== Error while compiling /tmp/DAgTLNtlhI
Malformed has
at /tmp/DAgTLNtlhI:1
------> 3class A { has Int8⏏4|$?CLASS @.b; }; A.new
vendethiel m: class A { has Int|A @.b; }; A.new
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Malformed has at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> class A { has Int⏏|A @.b; }; A.new
evalable6 (exit code 1) 4===SORRY!4=== Error while compiling /tmp/Kw4tXb7MXn
Malformed has
at /tmp/Kw4tXb7MXn:1
------> 3class A { has Int8⏏4|A @.b; }; A.new
vendethiel m: class A {...}; subset F of Int|A; class A { has F @.b; }; A.new 21:25
evalable6 WARNINGS for /tmp/vRFK3Fkcl7:
Useless use of "|" in expression "subset F of Int|A" in sink context (line 1)
Raku eval WARNINGS for /home/glot/main.raku: Useless use of "|" in expression "subset F of Int|A" in sink context (line 1)
vendethiel er 21:26
m: class A {...}; subset F where Int|A; class A { has F @.b; }; A.new
Raku eval
tbrowder on windows i can slurp a file and search for a word fine. but when i wrap it inside a class that uses that in a method i get a failure. weird. 21:32
but the same class works on linux and macos 21:33
antononcube @lizmat "Acme::Text::UpsideDown" is not working !!! 22:09