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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ab5tract izel: it doesn’t work for base, so I wouldn’t expect it to work in RakuAST 09:04
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to izel
ab5tract m: CHECK { say $*CU }
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception X::Dynamic::NotFound occurred while evaluating a CHECK:
Dynamic variable $*CU not found
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
Dynamic variable $*CU not found
in block at <tmp> line…
izel ab5tract: thanks but then how the author here dev.to/lizmat/walking-the-rakuast-tree-3fbd makes it work? 10:11
tellable6 2024-08-12T09:04:27Z #raku <ab5tract> izel: it doesn’t work for base, so I wouldn’t expect it to work in RakuAST
izel after "So let's look at the RakuAST tree of the most trivial program"
lizmat guess I'll need to revisit that article... 10:12
izel oh you are the author!! 10:13
thanks for these
lizmat you're very welcome :-) 10:14
ab5tract Oh, sorry about that :) 10:24
Ideapp what is the main feature of this programming language ? 10:29
El_Che Manipulexity and Whipuptitude 10:30
pony expressipossibility 10:33
El_Che and lizmat 10:34
Ideapp but the syntax is unreadable, I think it will be ok for those who write a lot in shellscript 10:44
lizmat beauty is in the eye of the beholder :-) 10:48
El_Che I thin that Raku cleaned up Perl syntax nicely. More consistent and ortogonal. The only thing is that the language is big 11:38
lizmat weekly: dev.to/lizmat/the-end-of-p6c-2868 12:56
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
antononcube @Ideapp Please point to language(s) whose syntax you find readable. (That might help certain better answers or advice can be given to your inquiries and questions.) 13:21
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/08/12/2024-...6c-ending/ 13:38
antononcube I would like to point out that "DSL::English::SearchEngineQueries" is a new module for the Zef ecosystem (and raku.land.) But I have had it and used to for awhile, so it has the version 0.5.0 (which misleads lizmat.) 13:50
lizmat indeed it did
tbrowder And I like it that the Raku language is big. And its syntax is MUCH cleaner than perl (not 13:51
lizmat antononcube fixed 13:52
tbrowder to speak of the very dangerous snake language)
antononcube Thanks! 13:53
(Although, that package should be of a fairly niche interest...)
As for Arne Sommer's knight moves -- something similar had to be done in "Graph" in order to implement the creation of Knight-tour graphs. (Over arbitrary chessboard dimensions, BTW.) 13:54
So, far those Knight-tour graphs are on 2D boards. I consider to "upgrade" a fair amount of the parameterized graph makers in "Graph" to be not just 2D but nD. 13:55
Definitely, should be done for Graph::Complete and Graph::Grid . 13:56
librasteve Ideapp: I wonder if your eye is getting stuck on the sigils -- while these are not unique to raku (bash, PHP are a couple of examples), they can take some time to get used to ... one of the raku core team wrote a nice blog on sigils raku-advent.blog/2022/12/20/sigils/ that you may enjoy? 14:18
ldeapp: the main features of raku are: - Object-oriented programming including generics, roles and multiple dispatch - Functional programming primitives, lazy and eager list evaluation, junctions, autothreading and hyperoperators (vector operators) - Parallelism, concurrency, and asynchrony including multi-core support - Definable grammars for pattern matching and generalized string processing - Optional and 14:21
gradual typing
Ideapp runtime speed like go or python ? 14:35
antononcube Slower, sometimes much slower. Comparing with Python is tricky since many Python packages are just interfaces to C and C++ implementations. 14:37
librasteve Like Python, raku is a glue language and speed is comparable to Python in the early days - also like Python many raku packages are just interfaces to C and C++ libraries. Raku also has Python::Inline and Perl5::Inline so you can use packages from the Python and CPAN libraries if they have not yet been ported to raku. 15:09
tbrowder librasteve: excellent reference, i loved it then and i just finished rereading it! 17:23
i never can remember :
the significance of := versus = except := is required in nqp 17:24
lizmat that's because nqp doesn't have any containers 17:34
tbrowder that’s ‘cause i forget to think of containers—that would help fer sure 18:07
i’ll put that on a postit note… 18:08
tbrowder since i can remember everything is a class, i ought to be able to remember a class is a container… 20:58
librasteve tbrowder: I recall lizmat saying that she always defaults to := binding unless the code needs a mutable copy of the rhs in which case = becomes a signpost of the presernce of a container 21:05
seems like good coding style to me
[Coke] Anyone looking to contribute to the docs project, I have some nice small items to work on, join me over in #raku-doc for details 21:36
tbrowder librasteve: that's right! and i've seen it, too 21:40
Geth ecosystem/main: 35a58eaa46 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove leont's dists in p6c

As per github.com/Leont/build-graph6/issu...2284861046