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xinming releasable6: status 08:51
releasable6 xinming, Next release in ≈1 day and ≈10 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/bee1ef6b34a0bee26d...2cac76687f
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antononcube 👍 13:03
librasteve patrickb: thanks - happy of course to have PR reviewed ... gotta write it first ;-) ... will revert when its ready 13:55
14:38 hudo left
(oops I meant Cro Webapp - can see that you are a contributor there) 15:02
... I think I was just thrown that the three People (jnthn, vendethiel, altai-man) listed for github.com/croservices organisation do not include expected community devs such as you or lizmat ... is there a plan to add some community devs at the croservices GH organisation level? or will all the repos in croservices be moved eg to a raku community organisation? 15:03
lizmat actually, uguexe patrickbr and japhb are now also "owner" of the croservices org 15:04
*ugexe 15:05
librasteve: they just haven't set the "public flag" (which I just did for myself) 15:07
librasteve thanks - just didn't want to contribute back to the old edument org
by mistake 15:08
patrickb too. Up until now I didn't know there was a public / private membership thing. 15:11
lizmat weekly: dev.to/lizmat/raku-fall-issue-cleanup-lkc 15:22
notable6__ lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
ab5tract lizmat: awesome write up! 15:48
lizmat thank you :-) 15:49
antononcube TL;DR: 1. Raku grammar improvements fixed 534+ Rakudo compiler issues. 2. JVM backend issues remain unresolved due to limited expertise. 3. New dispatch logic resolved many multi-method dispatch issues. 4. RakuAST project aids in fixing static optimizer-related issues. 5. 778 issues remain open; community contributions are encouraged. 15:53
lizmat 4 is bogus
antononcube I am going to read the full article later....
Good to know!! 15:54
lizmat RakuAST doesn't have any static optimizer issues because it doesn't have any static optimizer yet
antononcube Ok. I changed the prompt: 1. 534 Rakudo issues closed, reducing from 1312 to 778. 2. JVM backend issues remain unresolved due to lack of expertise. 3. New Raku dispatch logic fixed many multi-method issues. 4. RakuAST project helps resolve static optimizer issues. 5. Some issues identified as feature requests or easy fixes. 15:56
Is it better?
lizmat 4 is still bogus
antononcube Here is what I did: 15:57
I know that LLM change (subtly) the meanings of certain important for the authors (and readers) statements. That is why I stopped utilizing summarization too agressively. 15:58
Last attempt, with "gpt-4o-mini"): - Reviewed 1312 Rakudo compiler issues, now 778 remaining. - Closed 534 issues, some still require tests. - JVM-specific issues need contributors with JVM expertise. - Many old issues fixed due to new dispatch logic. - 289 issues identified for resolution in RakuAST. 16:00
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lizmat that's a much better summary 16:00
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lizmat afk& 16:00
antononcube The function data-import is from "Data::Importers", discussed recently on Reddit.
16:03 Some-body_ is now known as DarthGandalf
[Coke] lizmat++ # ticket work frenzy! 16:14
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nijmegenzuigt Limburg has rainbows? 😮 18:09
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tonyo anyone using fez from `main` rather than installed from eco? 19:29
[Coke] main? 20:15
oh, directly from the repo? I always install with zef.
zef is the only thing I install from main.
tonyo good news 20:20
fez is getting some updates to handle multiple ecosystems to help testing with the raku ecosystem grant testing 20:21
so you'll be able to manage which ecosystems you upload to with fez
antononcube @tonyo Sounds good. 20:36
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tbrowder 👍🏻 21:07
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