timo1 i wonder how similar the design and implementation is to what we last saw on 6guts, or probably the presentation(s?) about it 00:00
Xliff Don't know. Not on 6guts. Is there a link?
timo1 6guts.wordpress.com iirc
Xliff Thanks.
timo1 well worth a read. you'd likely have seen links to it in the weekly posts as well
not very high volume, but definitely high quality 00:01
Xliff Yeah. I can see that. 00:03
.seen jnthn
00:04 yewscion joined
Xliff timo1: Hope jnthn is doing OK. Have you heard from him, recently? 00:04
timo1 haven't talked to him much, but i've exchanged a few words with him about the comma plugin work. that was only two or three months ago i think? 00:08
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guifa okay all things school wise are done for a bit 01:10
all A's yay
guifa looks to see raku advent schedule
01:13 yewscion left
[Coke] good job on the grades 01:15
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guifa m: sub foo(Int() @a) { say @a }; foo (1,2,3,4) 01:36
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected Positional[Int(Any)] but got List ((1, 2, 3, 4)). You have to
pass an explicitly typed array, not one that just might happen to
contain elements of the correct type.
in sub foo at <tmp>…
guifa ooooh I do like that improved error message!
++ to whoever coded that up
m: sub foo(Array[Int]() $a) { say $a }; foo (1,2,3,4) 01:37
camelia [1 2 3 4]
guifa excellent
01:50 Aedil joined
guifa is working on a DNS module 01:57
anyone opposed to me not even providing the option to change the class? seems like 1 (=internet) is pretty much universal in the post 1990 universe 01:58
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guifa ab5tract is there a reason that revision gating uses strings instead of v-strings? (I'm guessing it's too early for v-strings?) 04:02
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guifa hmmm I seem to be getting errors using :broadcast on UDP sockets s 04:49
m: my $out = IO::Socket::Async.udp(:broadcast) 04:50
camelia An operation first awaited:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died with the exception:
bad file descriptor
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
guifa that.... feels not correct
Docs have `method udp(IO::Socket::Async:U: :$broadcast --> IO::Socket::Async)` with the description `Returns an initialized IO::Socket::Async client object that is configured to send UDP messages using print-to or write-to. The :broadcast adverb will set the SO_BROADCAST option which will allow the socket to send packets to a broadcast address.`
07:59 Sgeo left 09:18 dakkar joined
antononcube @lizmat Turns out copy-&-pasting Markdown with LaTeX formulas into WordPress gets rid of the LaTeX code. (Big surprise, I know…) 09:43
So, I had to “urgently” fix that in the latest Raku Advent post. 🙂 09:44
librasteve im working on tomorrows post right now btw 09:45
antononcube The formulas look sub-optimal, but better than (puzzling) nothing.
@librasteve What is the title? Or it is a secret/surprise. 09:46
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I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised that Raku works so well to do regression fitting with real data. Both computation and plots. 09:55
Actually, the computation was helped by my latest fix my “Math::Matrix” fork. I have not issued the corresponding PR, because I wanted to do some more fixes or code reviews. 09:57
librasteve Happy™ Xmas 09:58
it's a pun on HTMX
antononcube I see…
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librasteve got the code working ... nothing like last minute! now to write the text 10:59
@antononcube I think the idea of community modules is that any PR needs to be reviewed by another maintainer (eg to prevent malicious code from russian spies) - anyway I am happy to do that role on Math::Matrix when you are ready to PR 11:01
maybe easier for me to take one feature at a time given my small brain ;-)
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patrickb++ on 21
advent: librasteve++ created pull request #124:
day 18 ready
advent/main: d12016282a | librasteve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
day 18 ready (#124)
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[Coke] Q: is git just faster on non-windows? anyone else see this? (or is just my particular windows box that is slow) 14:02
antononcube Using git though a web browser? 14:03
timo i seem to recall something about git being slower on windows, yeah. but that was yeeeaars ago 14:04
patrickb Historically (and I guess to some extent still true today) git has been decidedly slower on Windows than unixoids.
timo so just use git in a WSL2 VM LOL 14:06
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librasteve maybe they are trying to encourage git app take up 15:00
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Schedule 18, 21
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librasteve @antononcube very nice post on chebyshev polynomials! 15:54
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