jdv i thought Nil could be passed in an arg list for a optional param and it would cause the default to be used 00:12
i guess its only with "is default" declaration
timo i only know that assigning it to a container gives it its default back, but signature binding isn't assignment, but binding
jdv right 00:13
guifa antononcube: what do you mean? 02:47
antononcube @guifa I applied to teach a summer class with schedule that overlaps with the TPRC-2025 conference days. I thought I could visit TPRC-2025 during the weekend, but it seems there some mentoring in the weekends is also required. 03:08
guifa aaaah
sorry I understood that as something internal about TPRC conference was problematic for you 03:09
antononcube @guifa Damn! I missed the opportunity to answer from that POV!
@guifa How many of your talks are about LLMs-&-Raku ? 03:10
rir Should a $NativeCall::Types::ok-REPRs key be used instead of a Native::Types class in "class Cobj is repr('CPointer') {Code here; }" ? 15:07
^ s/instead of a/like/ 15:08
melezhik o/ 15:27
I want to .subst using regexp and named captures in second part, 15:28
m: my $a = "hello"; $a.subst(/ $<foo> = [ \w ]   /,~$<foo>); say $a; 15:29
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: my $a = "hello"; $a.subst(/ $<foo> = [ (\w) ]   /,~$<foo>); say $a; 15:30
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik m: my $a = "hello123"; $a.subst(/ $<foo> = [ \d ]   /,~$<foo>); say $a; 15:31
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
melezhik uuups, looks like ~$<foo> is evaled too early ... ) 15:34
m: my $a = 'abc123'; $a ~~ s:g/( \d )/$0./; say $a; 15:39
camelia abc1.2.3.
guifa antononcube: I'm not, going to hold off on that for an article 16:30
tonyo tbrowder: just fixed the env var Data::Dump issue 19:27
upgrading to 0.0.15 should fix it for ya
tbrowder . 23:55
tonyo: not fixed yet... 23:56