tbrowder | patrickb: looks interesting, and useful. if i understand it: i could put all my unpublished modules in a local ecosystem. if so, count me in as a user! | 00:33 | |
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ugexe | patrickb: glad things were able to just work. there should probably be some type of command line option for adding an ecosystem more easily as well, but I've procrastinated on that for a long time mostly due to hoping to find a solution that could generalize to the rest of the config file (i.e. it would also allow adding a new report or test module instead of a repository module). And similarly an | 03:13 | |
environment variable equivalent. | |||
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guifa | any ideas for TPRC talks for me? | 04:12 | |
I was thinking about tracing my journey on multicast, but that's a fairly technical one and really would be predicated on it actually going into core which isn't guaranteed | 04:13 | ||
kind of want a beginner and mid range talk idea too | |||
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patrickb | ugexe: You are basically describing the Zef::Configuration dist. Is there anything beyond of what that dist provides you'd like to see? | 10:30 | |
guifa: Show off a nice module. E.g. create a nice UI using Gnome::GTK4 (ignoring the fact that this module is violating your no-boilerplate mantra pretty hard). | 10:34 | ||
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antononcube | Oh, yeah, today is the last day for submissions to TPRC-2025 | 12:58 | |
librasteve | guifa: did you read codesection's post - maybe this will get the flow going - raku-advent.blog/2024/12/10/how-to...raku-talk/ | 13:01 | |
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antononcube | Some built-in subs like slurp seem to be extendable, i.e. I can define additional functionalities via mult sub slurp .... | 13:37 | |
It seems that is is-prime is not defined as a multi sub. Is there a place I can propose is-prime to become multi? Alternatively, I can just request is-prime to work with complex numbers and take the adverb :gaussian-integer. | 13:39 | ||
lizmat | antononcube core says: | 14:16 | |
proto sub is-prime($, *%) is pure {*} | |||
multi sub is-prime(\x --> Int:D) { x.is-prime } | |||
looks pretty multi to me ? | |||
guifa | patrickb: hmm, I´m not sure if I've actually released anything of particular interest this year. $day-job and $school have been pretty crazy | 14:21 | |
Ooh actually an interesting one could be comparison of Corinna with Raku classes | 14:23 | ||
Would be a bit more of a bridge between the two communities and maybe get some of them thinking about Raku who haven't given it as much thought | 14:24 | ||
antononcube | @lizmat Thanks! I will see I could hook up my additions to is-prime. | 14:26 | |
@guifa Did you use Raku in $DAY-JOB and $SCHOOL? If yes, then talk about how. If not, then talk about how come. | 14:27 | ||
guifa | $day-job = teaching (and not tech) so it doesn't really come up there ha, sadly an easy answer | 14:29 | |
I think I'll hold off my Cro project for advent calendar probably, not sure it'll work for a talk format as much | |||
timo | teching and teaching are one of a ... away from each other | 14:30 | |
guifa | timo-- for bad joke | ||
lol | |||
antononcube | @guifa I remember I found your talk on making Raku packages helpful. (For example, I started using the directories "./xt" and "./doc" much more often, and many of my package functions are "multi".) | 14:36 | |
So, these kind of talks -- for example, how new comers can more easily "integrate" into the ecosystem -- should be always of iterest. | 14:37 | ||
Actually, the question "how can I contribute" got posted in these channels at least 3 times in the last two-three months. | 14:38 | ||
guifa | oooh that's a good idea | 14:39 | |
how to contribute | |||
timo | i wrote an advent calendar post long long ago about my first time contribution experience. would be lovely to see more of that from others :) | 14:52 | |
perl6advent.wordpress.com/2013/12/...ntributor/ | 14:53 | ||
lizmat | :-) | 15:00 | |
guifa | Okay three talks submitted | 15:12 | |
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ugexe | patrickb: the hard part isn't hard coding a bunch of stuff to handle the config. it is designing the general configuration in a way that is generalized enough to e.g. have CLI commands just fall out of it. for example if i add a new config section Foo with some values that a --config-foo=... config flag would Just Work without having to hard code that in | 15:55 | |
patrickb | Ah, got it. | 15:56 | |
ugexe | that is simple enough for top level keys with simple values, but is obviously complicated by the fact that e.g. Repository section is an array of hash | ||
[Coke] | me: oh, maybe I should submit a talk at tprc just in case... missed it by 30m | 16:27 | |
I wasn't planning on it, we'll see if there's any open slots after the first wave. | 16:28 | ||
will there be any RSC folks attending? | |||
any raku folks attending, please add your names here: github.com/perlconference/tprc-202...i/Raku-BOF | 16:29 | ||
guifa | Coke: they tend to open up one more round, but also maybe contact Util directly | 16:43 | |
jdv | recently chilled with a former colleague where they used to do perl but now he does python. he said something like "its really too bad raku isn't there yet" | 16:47 | |
[Coke] | guifa: done | ||
jdv | at least rando people still remember it:) | ||
[Coke] | jdv: I try to ask stuff like "what's stopping you from using it today?" in situations like that. | 16:48 | |
lizmat | it's there if they want it :-) | ||
[Coke] | I suspect a lot of non-use is a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. :| | ||
guifa | Writing a server using Cro for my project last semester was butter smooth. I just needed a simple server that could manage state and some simple async background calls. | ||
jdv | well, this particular use case is the core of a very large cms so stability, perf, maturity - if i remember i'll ask | ||
guifa | which if I get my new $day-job (fingers crossed!) I might have the resources to really polish the living mess out of it | 16:49 | |
jdv | also it might be that had raku been where it is now back when this particular project was formed... that was 2018ish... | 16:50 | |
rewriting now is probably not realistic to the biz | |||
nothing special. just thought i'd share a rando recent datapoint in the wild | 16:51 | ||
lizmat | a nice list of stuff that could go into a module, if not in core already: x.com/PhysInHistory/status/1879230133443203198 | 17:30 | |
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[Coke] | raku-knowledge-base.podlite.org is returning higher in results than raku.land on a DDG search for modules | 19:12 | |
timo | that must be the power of having all modules on a single page | 19:14 | |
[Coke] | japhb: github.com/japhb/Terminal-LineEditor/pull/9 | 19:16 | |
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japhb | [Coke]: Saw it, merged it, thanks! | 19:59 | |
timo | don't forget to also push a release | 20:03 | |
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msiism | `-16 div 7` evaluates to `-3` in Raku, but `Int(-16 / 7)` to `-2`. Why then, is `div` not implemented as `Int($x / $y)`? | 22:07 | |
timo | github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/dd98...erp.c#L659 implementation for native ints, github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/dd98...ops.c#L583 implementation for bigints | 22:12 | |
documentation says "Does an integer division, rounded down." | 22:13 | ||
msiism | Oh, okay. | 22:14 | |
[Coke] | whereas docs.raku.org/type/Num#method_Int - "no rounding is performed" | 22:15 | |
timo | indeed, that's truncation instead | 22:16 | |
msiism | I'm not sure I actually get the difference. | 22:18 | |
Wouldn't rounding mean that you'll have to start rounding up at a certain point? | 22:20 | ||
If you keep "rounding down" at and beyond .5, then that's practically no different that truncation, is it? | 22:22 | ||
timo | there's a difference between "round towards 0" and "round towards -inf" | ||
[Coke] | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding#Rou...to_integer | 22:34 | |
msiism | Okay, I see the difference now. | 22:40 | |
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antononcube | Well, I am not coming to TPRC-2025 -- the overlapping event is too "protective" of my time. | 23:04 | |
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