ugexe i usually have a test called t/00-load.rakutest in all my distributions that basically do the first thing i showed with use-ok, and in those cases you could just do `raku -I. t/00-load.rakutest` 00:50
tonyo ++ 01:45
xinming ugexe: Thanks for the hint, Yea, I do feel that the 'find' sollution is not right. So I asked here. 09:38
tbrowder for those using vscode: which raku addon do you use? 12:03
lizmat weekly: 12:44
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
librasteve I am enjoying Raku Plugin & Jupyter::Chatbook in IntelliJ... 14:52
[Coke] question: Regarding moving from a raku module to using curl to grab some data - is there a cross platform way to specify a dep on curl in the Meta? I could put it in build easily enough to die if it's not present, but that's not as good 15:22
(also we don't install raku/doc anymore, so the build isn't called there anyway)
lizmat something with "bin" if I recall correctly 15:23 has an example I believe 15:24
antononcube @librasteve I use Jupyter in VSCode becauase of the visualizations with "JavaScripdt::D3". In IntelliJ visualizations with "JavaScripdt::Google::Charts" can be used. 16:14
Here is an example: 16:15
I have mentioned this before -- if I figured out that Google Charts existed I might have not implemented "JavaScripdt::D3". At least to the such degree as it currently is. 16:23
From another hand, D3.js is much more flexible (and lower level) and "JavaScripdt::D3" can be much more attuned to my taste. (Or, preferably, Raku-programmers tastes.) 16:24
"JavaScripdt::Google::Charts" is programmed in a very "hands off" manner -- the Raku invocations delegate to Google Charts as quickly was possible, using Google Charts' pre-canned functions (with very comprehensive options.) 16:30
ab5tract tbrowder: unfortunately you were pointed to a slightly outdated version of the intellij plugin. I've just published a new beta release, available here: 19:15
need to look into why the archive file is indicating 2024.3-beta.1 , I've been upgrading the version tracking stuff 19:16
librasteve I do like the map and the idea that JS can run in VSCode notebook ... ooth I am not sure I want to keep switching VSCode and IntelliJ... choices choices 19:54
antononcube Highlighting of Raku in Jupyter notebook with VSCode is better than the highlighting in IntelliJ. 19:58
Also, VSCode Jupyter interface seems more intuitive to me. (I do not like Jupyter that much, in general.) 19:59
ab5tract I wonder if the highlighting issues are related to the language not being set properly in the Jupyter notebook 20:06
If there is any difference between how IntelliJ is highlighting Raku outside of Jupyter vs inside of it, that should be easy-ish to resolve 20:07
melezhik o/ 20:17
if it possible to generate raku function in runtime?
melezhik say I have string defining function body and I'd like to create a raku function from it. So I could call it later? 20:18
I am taking about EVAL/EVALFILE for clarity
[Coke] There is an EVAL, sure.
melezhik as they slow
son just a sub foo = EVAL "some string" ? 20:19
son -> so
[Coke] m: my $a = 'say "fast enough"'; $a.EVAL
camelia fast enough
[Coke] m: my $a = 'say "fast enough"'; EVAL $a 20:20
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> my $a = 'say "f…
[Coke] m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my $a = 'say "fast enough"'; EVAL $a
camelia fast enough
[Coke] let's assume I generated that error on purpose for teaching reasons. :)
melezhik yeah, but I would like only to compile thing not run
antononcube @ab5tract Yes, there is a difference. Jupyter Raku kernel(s) (in IntelliJ) get confused with comments and magic cells. 20:21
librasteve_ Raku syntax highlighting in a jupyter notebook in Intellij — looks good to me 20:23
[Coke] m: my $a = 'sub { say "running" }; say "compiling"'; my $b = $a.EVAL; $b();
camelia WARNINGS for /home/camelia/EVAL_0:
Useless use of anonymous sub, did you forget to provide a name? (line 1)
No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Bool'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] my $a = 'sub q { say "running" }'; my $b = $a.EVAL; dd $b; 20:24
evalable6 $b = sub q { #`(Sub|2248622829520) ... }
[Coke] m: my $a = 'sub q { say "running" }'; my $b = $a.EVAL; dd $b;
camelia $b = sub q { #`(Sub|5630754406536) ... }
ab5tract antononcube: That sounds like a Jupyter::Kernel issue more than an IntelliJ one, though 20:25
But I can try to take a look if you can provide reproducible inputs 20:26
melezhik [Coke] thanks 20:27
antononcube @ab5tract I am not sure. IntelliJ handles magic cells differently. 20:31
ab5tract Well, I don't use Jupyter enough to know what could happen when comments are misconstrued with magic cells 20:32
antononcube @librasteve Please try using: 1) magic cells, like, "#% html", "#% latex", and 2) cells with other languages, like, "#% js" or "#% javascript".
librasteve ... 20:33
they work with python kernel, but not with raku kernel 20:41
guess I will give VSCode a shot if I need more magic 20:43
ab5tract or we could fix the raku kernel %) 21:27
librasteve: do you have the Jupyter IntelliJ plugin installed? 21:39
tbrowder antononcube: ref vscode, i see two raku/perl 6 extensions, which do you use? 22:43
ab5tract tbrowder (since he was the last to ask) + all intellij plugin users: release names are fixed! also, hopefully fewer issues with formatting. 23:14
tbrowder ab5tract: i'm confused...i look at the vscode site and they show two raku plugins. are those also the plugins for intelliJ? 23:49
ab5tract no, I'm responding to your earlier question about Comma
tbrowder ah, ok, whew, thought i was goin crazy! thnx 23:50
ab5tract There is no standalone Comma anymore, but I'm linking to the spritual successor, which can be installed as a plugin in IntelliJ
tbrowder gotcha, is the community version of intelliJ adequate or do you recommend getting a license? 23:52