🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
vrurg guifa++ 00:08
guifa: what's the subject? 00:10
guifa vrurg: well, the title is “Going International in Raku”. I’m not creative with titles :-) 00:11
guifa Basically a “here’s the state of international stuff in Raku, and why Raku makes doing this otherwise super complicated stuff insanely easy" 00:12
vrurg isn't creative too. I'm totally fine about both facts!
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Pretty::Table (0.0.1) by 03UZLUISF 00:13
guifa I think some of the big stuff to takl about will be the tokens
vrurg I hope to get my current project good enough on time to have a subject for a talk too.
vrurg Grammar tokens or ...?? 00:14
guifa Being able to just say <local-number> and have it recognize 12,349 and determine if that’s 12 thousand-ish or 12-ish will really make folks’ lives easier
guifa Yeah, although I’ve been writing them so they can be used in adhoc regexen and grammars 00:14
guifa CLDR has some cool other stuff — like you’ll be able to use <local-alpha> and limit yourself to the letters commonly used in the language, rather than any <alpha> 00:15
vrurg Aha... I just meant *that* tokens as terminology is my weak point. It could have been some other tokens as well. :)
guifa: Ok, don't expose all the secrets accidentally! Keep the suspense! 00:16
guifa Haha these are all things that show up in my README.md ;-)
vrurg imagines guifa entering the stage, opening the README and having an epic speach of: "Just read it through!" :D :D :D 00:18
guifa I actually had a long chat with tchrist about two months ago, I’m going to try to revive some of his work in Lingua:: for identifying languages too. Maybe I’ll even convince him to come to the darkside
vrurg: that’s what I do for the first day of class with my syllabus. “READ IT, I will not answer your emails if they can be answered based on this document” haha
vrurg guifa: Ok, you definitely got the first listener on my side! :) 00:19
guifa vrurg: are you going to Perl/Rakucon in houston? 00:22
vrurg guifa: yes, unless my boss reject the budget. 00:23
guifa Awesome. Thankfully I have family there so I think work will cover all of it 00:24
Geth doc: uzluisf++ created pull request #3192:
Mention that the colon syntax on $.foo method is now supported
uzl[m] m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates; 04:00
camelia (end end end end)
uzl[m] * m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature;
m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature;
camelia ((Any:U: *%_ --> 0) (Any:D: *%_) (A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
uzl[m] How do I grep the method 'end' specific to the type A? 04:04
AlexDaniel` sena_kun well, at the same time it's not hard to do it 04:15
sena_kun same command just with a different version ;)
But hey it's almost February now 04:16
bartolin sena_kun: (jvm build) we *could* remove the 'allow_failures' configuration for the jvm backend for travis. We don't attempt to run tests for the jvm backend, so a travis failure indicates a build error. 06:32
but doing so would raise the question who is willing to fix the breakage ... 06:37
no offense meant: given the limited resources it's kind of logical to let the core devs focus on the main backend 06:39
I'm trying to fix eventual breakage; but in my own time: I'm only able to look once in a while 06:43
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Trait::Traced (0.3.0) by 03KAIEPI 07:17
Kaiepi ^ makes trace output handling customizable! (needs documentation though) 07:19
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Trait::Traced (0.3.1) by 03KAIEPI 07:32
holyghost |I've got some new methods into p6-Game-Bayes and p6-Game-Stats, I'll upload to ithub later 07:50
An approximation of posterior probability and frequency analysis 07:51
The code is now on Xliff's server
I'm at page 80 of the book "Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian Computing", that's where everything comes from 07:52
AlexDaniel . 09:15
holyghost Maybe I'm going to do operating systems in perl6, but I'm a lost soul on raku 09:29
I tried pico.vub.ac.be for an Amiga NetBSD
Fact is, I'm trying to port NetBSD to Amiga 2000's
non-MMU 09:30
It'll be called ANBSD
It should be a binary, where you write your OS code in perl6 then have e.g. a non VM thing 09:33
which is of course somewhat ridiculous 09:34
An amia 2000 has 1Mb of RAM for example
_And_ perl6 should be compiled to m68k-coff 09:36
e.g. a perl6 compiler instead of a VM for building with gcc's -D_KERNEL flag 09:41
An elf or coff format should be compiled straight out of perl6 09:43
then compile e.g. with a intermediate API/kernel API to a format thereon
Note API 09:44
An API to output kernels for coff and elf, that's what I would want 09:46
then an API for compiling instead of just using perl6's system 09:47
and so on :-)
holyghost Basically you want raku to compile to several machine lanuguaes with moarVM 10:03
and a VM is too heavy weight for old machines 10:04
bbkr 2020.01 release is awesome! We got 25% average performance improvement on production environments. Big thanks to all Raku devs. 10:39
sena_kun \o/ 10:41
El_Che bbkr: if ok to do so, please do tell (and blog)! 10:57
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! cro ( by 03JNTHN 13:09
New module released to CPAN! Cro::WebSocket ( by 03JNTHN
New module released to CPAN! Cro::TLS ( by 03JNTHN
New module released to CPAN! Cro::HTTP ( by 03JNTHN
New module released to CPAN! Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON (0.5) by 03NINE
abraxxa jnthn++ 14:00
jnthn: upgrade successful 14:07
Xliff_ nine: gist.github.com/Xliff/303485c72279...a964c8a80f 14:59
Xliff_ Or anyone else with Inline::Perl5 experience! :) 15:00
nine $spreadsheet.worksheet({ title => 'Sheet1' }); 15:11
Xliff_: $spreadsheet.worksheet(${ title => 'Sheet1' });
Xliff_ Checking. 15:12
Xliff_ nine++ 15:13
So that has to be done for all hash refs?
nine Wenn passed as arguments, yes. Otherwise they get flattened by the slurpy args 15:15
Xliff_ Thanks! 15:17
uzl[m] m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature; 16:19
camelia ((Any:U: *%_ --> 0) (Any:D: *%_) (A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
uzl[m] How do I grep the method 'end' specific to the type A?
.tell jmerelo Any idea about this? colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...01-28#l537 16:22
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to jmerelo
Geth doc: 3a2678d4b9 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Mention that the colon syntax on $.foo method is now supported
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/objects
doc: b302b5004e | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Merge pull request #3192 from uzluisf/master

Mention that the colon syntax on $.foo method is now supported
atroxaper hi, #raku 16:31
jmerelo Hi!
tellable6 2020-01-28T21:11:29Z #raku-dev <TreyHarris> jmerelo please see colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...01-28#l580 in re commit sha's and doc churn
2020-01-30T16:22:28Z #raku <uzl[m]> jmerelo Any idea about this? colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...01-28#l537
hey jmerelo, you have a message: gist.github.com/7bc02f5c621d0f3382...e9764c2e5d
jmerelo .tell TreyHarris we eliminated it a long time ago. Since we are using a cache now, it didn't make a lot of sense anyway. 16:32
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to TreyHarris
dakkar uzl[m]: .grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type eqv A } }); 16:33
m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type eqv A } });
camelia ((A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
dakkar (the check for `.invocant` is probably redundant if you know you're looking at methods, but can't hurt) 16:34
jmerelo .tell uzl[m] I think there's this issue: github.com/Raku/Documentable/issues/78, very recent. Might that be the problem?
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to uzl[m]
atroxaper If I want to add a test for fails-like in roast, how can I check a fail case. I expect that fails-like { sub { fail X::Foo.new }() }, X::Foo, :42miss; did not match 42. But how can I prove it in test? 16:37
jmerelo atroxaper: that should work. You check for the type of exception it's thrown, and its message (or any other payload) 16:52
atroxaper jmerelo: If I want to check that fails-like fails if did not match payload? 16:53
jmerelo: I mean, if payload missmatched then test will be nok, but I expect that behaviour and want test ok :) 16:54
jmerelo atroxaper: ah, you want to check fails-like itself... I think tests return True or False 16:56
m: use test; say ok(1)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find test in:
jmerelo m: use Test; say ok(1)
camelia ok 1 -
jmerelo atroxaper: ^^^^ 16:57
atroxaper jmerelo: As I understand, prove will parse stdout and fail test. Because fails-like makes the 'nok' output. 17:00
jmerelo atroxaper: ah, OK. There's a module for that, Test::Output; also Testo tests that if I remember correctly. But mainly it's a matter of redirecting and capturing output. 17:07
atroxaper: I wouldn't be surprised there would be some helper in roast for doing that. 17:08
atroxaper: or you can simply suppress output and work with return value
shred_alert Which part of the docs mentions the syntax qx/<command>/ (backticking?)?
atroxaper jmerelo: Fair enough. Will looking for some helper. Thank you. 17:09
shred_alert: 'Quoting constructs' or 'Independent routines' probably. 17:16
shred_alert Can't seem to find it there. 17:21
Xliff_ m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type eqv A } }); 17:28
camelia ((A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
Xliff_ m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; say A.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type ~~ A } }); 17:30
camelia ((A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
Xliff_ m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; class B { multi method end(Str $val) { 1 }; }; say B.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type ~~ A } }); 17:31
camelia ()
Xliff_ m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; class B is A { multi method end(Str $val) { 1 }; }; say B.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type ~~ A } });
camelia ((A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_) (B: Str $val, *%_))
Xliff_ m: class A { has $!n; multi method end($val) { $!n = $val }; multi method end { $!n } }; class B is A { multi method end(Str $val) { 1 }; }; say B.^find_method('end').candidates>>.signature.grep({ with .params[0] { .invocant && .type eqv A } }); 17:32
camelia ((A: $val, *%_) (A: *%_))
[Coke] finds github.com/watching and unwatches a whole bunch of old stuff. 19:09
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! PDF::Class (0.4.0) by 03WARRINGD 19:11
Voldenet m: once quietly given now { .say } or die when start exit 22:44
camelia ( no output )
Voldenet is there any way to drop these { }
lizmat m: once quietly .say given now or die when start exit 22:57
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: { once quietly .say given now or die when start exit } 22:58
camelia ( no output )
veesh do nativecall arrays silently convert uint into int? 23:04
or is that a weirdness in how raku interprets it on the way out?
in reference to the last post from ToddAndMargo on the mailing list 23:05
m: use NativeCall; dd CArray[uint8].new(255).list 23:06
camelia (-1,)
veesh that's weird