🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
Geth doc: caseyjackmiles++ created pull request #3435:
Use single angle brackets for infix cmp. Fixes #3038.
linkable6 DOC#3038 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3038 [RFE][easy to resolve] There's an infix <cmp>, an infix <<cmp>> and a routine cmp
Geth ecosystem: ddlws++ created pull request #497:
Add Radamsa to ecosystem. See github.com/ddlws/radamsa-raku
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Email::MIME (2.0.3) by 03RBT 01:37
Geth doc: ec314a9dbe | (Jack Miles)++ | 2 files
Use single angle brackets for infix cmp. Fixes #3038.
doc: 9f7e9a0e72 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #3435 from caseyjackmiles/3038-infix-cmp

Use single angle brackets for infix cmp. Fixes #3038.
linkable6 DOC#3038 [closed]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3038 [RFE][easy to resolve] There's an infix <cmp>, an infix <<cmp>> and a routine cmp
Geth doc: 8b15304f2d | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | 3 files
Document few additions introduced with 2020.05

  * `Str` now has `.Date` and `DateTime` coercers
  * `Date.yyyy-mm-dd` now takes a separator parameter, defaulting to `-`
  * Add `Date.dd-mm-yyyy` and `Date.mm-dd-yyyy` methods
  * Add `Date.last-date-in-month` and `Date.first-day-in-month` methods
doc: 034e2bd255 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #3434 from uzluisf/checklist-2020-05

Document few additions introduced with 2020.05
Geth ecosystem: a316bb8c48 | (Dave Lewis)++ | META.list
Add Radamsa to ecosystem

See github.com/ddlws/radamsa-raku
ecosystem: 37a751f40d | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #497 from ddlws/master

Add Radamsa to ecosystem. See github.com/ddlws/radamsa-raku
lizmat weekly: gfldex.wordpress.com/2020/05/26/wa...-arrivals/ 10:54
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat weekly: gfldex.wordpress.com/2020/05/27/un...n-silence/
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
jmerelo I don't know if you've been checkout out ecosystem modules lately; I'm doing so for the book and there's a big amount of them that does not work any more 11:06
And from those, a relatively good amount are not maintained either.
Altai-man_ jmerelo, around 300 from all the modules we have. 11:06
jmerelo Wow 11:07
Altai-man_ well, this is not wow, I think
jmerelo Well, the wow is that some of them are relatively important "upstream" modules, with many depending on them
Altai-man_ >Showing 1565 results
jmerelo I'm checking now Digest::MD5, for instance 11:08
Altai-man_ jmerelo, I can prepare blin if you want. And if you are not, it won't hurt anyway, I guess.
jmerelo, Digest::MD5 tests and installs ok for me.
jmerelo Altai-man_: it would probably make sense. Also, a hackathon...
github.com/cosimo/perl6-digest-md5/issues/26 11:09
Just tried again, same problem
Altai-man_ jmerelo, can you remove zef cache and try again? 11:10
jmerelo It downloads and installs just fine, but according to a response to a issue in zef, there was problem with version numbers...
Altai-man_: yep, I can install it locally, no problem, but it's probably better if there's a version bump or something. Apparently the thing is that META6.json changes, version does not. 11:11
Altai-man_ jmerelo, I did not install it locally, but with `zef install Digest::MD5`? 11:11
jmerelo Altai-man_: What I'm saying is that it's anyway a problem with the version. Installing something should not depend on the cache state 11:13
And I guess this kind of modules are not the ones included in your list of 300...
So it's even worse...
Altai-man_ I do agree with you the cache should not matter. 11:14
But there is an actual problem with modules from git/hub anyway, as it is hard to say how are they versioned at all.
jmerelo Altai-man_: they just look at the version in META6.json, not at the real code that's there... 11:15
jmerelo I raised that issue... somewhere. I can't find where now. Probably problem solving 11:17
jmerelo Ah, right, here github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/72 11:18
Altai-man_ wants to re-read that after $dayjob
Geth ¦ problem-solving: JJ self-assigned Ecosystem: versioning issues github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/72 11:23
¦ problem-solving: JJ unassigned from jnthn Issue Ecosystem: versioning issues github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/72
Geth doc: effde43506 | Coke++ | doc/Type/Date.pod6
fix example compilation
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Date
jdv79 m: $*OUT.close; say "boo" 15:07
camelia Cannot do 'print' on a handle in binary mode
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jdv79 that msg is at least a bug, no?
[Coke] I'd expect it to mention it was closed, aye. 15:14
ShimmerFairy m: $*ERR.close; note "boo" 15:23
camelia No exception handler located for catch
at SETTING::src/core.c/Exception.pm6:435 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.c.setting.moarvm:print_exception)
from SETTING::src/core.c/Exception.pm6:492 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst…
melezhik .tell AlexDaniel` looks like Blin and Rakudist "fights" for resources right now. I can show you a top stat in PM 16:14
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel`
suman when I run raku script from command line, I get Killed as output. What does this mean? 16:25
AlexDaniel` Altai-man_: ↑
tellable6 2020-05-27T16:14:28Z #raku <melezhik> AlexDaniel` looks like Blin and Rakudist "fights" for resources right now. I can show you a top stat in PM
melezhik AlexDaniel` I sent you top stat by email, copied rba, right now it mostly Blin that gain resources (CPU), rakudist only runs 1 job 16:27
AlexDaniel` melezhik: it's possible there are some runaway processes. Just kill them maybe
AlexDaniel` there's not much I can do about it, I don't think I even have access to any of that 16:28
melezhik I doubt that RaliDist has runaway processes, I am just trying to say that now Blin and RkDist shares the same VM and it could be a performance issue
when they run in the same time
AlexDaniel` you can ask Altai-man if they're currently running blin or not
melezhik but probably there nothing to worried about as long as RkD is not that popular )))) 16:29
jnthn suman: Probably that something sent SIGKILL to it; maybe some OOM killer?
AlexDaniel` melezhik: you can try running it with a different nice level if you really need to 16:30
but if blin is not running right now and there are still some processes around, then just kill them. Some modules just don't die
AlexDaniel` and IIRC blin doesn't kill process trees correctly, or whatever 16:31
melezhik AlexDaniel` yeah, but it the end of the day we need to think how to separate resources so that we don't step on each other 16:31
melezhik AlexDaniel` I just updated gist now, the only processes from RkD right now - 3 processes that represents 2 web application and Sparky daemon 16:32
that is it
no active jobs are seen right now on rakudist.raku.org/sparky/builds 16:33
and blin is running right now
ps uax | grep blin| wc -l
AlexDaniel` well, blin usually saturates the CPU when it's running 16:34
but somehow I doubt that it is running now
melezhik ps uax | grep blin|grep moar|wc -l 16:35
AlexDaniel` and either way there's nothing I can do about any of this
melezhik well I am not complaining , it's just an observation ...
like said as long as people don't start using RkD actively
ps uax | grep blin|grep zef|wc -l 16:36
26 zef process run by blin
AlexDaniel` btw I can't see much in that top output 16:37
normally you'll see the actual commands that are running at the end of the line
so if these are runaway processes then we can probably do something about the modules that cause them 16:38
melezhik because by default top truncate commands shown 16:40
AlexDaniel` if the TIME section is wallclock time, then Blin was running for more than two days?
melezhik AlexDaniel` I just added full commands from blin to the gist 16:42
jdv79 [Coke]: theres already a ticket - github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3073
AlexDaniel` oh, okay, it's actually running it seems 16:43
melezhik yeah 16:44
timotimo suman: could be a security subsystem somewhere being unhappy about something moar does? 16:56
melezhik AlexDaniel` btw I can see few zomby processes generated by blin, updated in gist 16:58
not too many ... but still a few
AlexDaniel` kill them
suman jnthn timotimo Here is where I get that "Killed". repl.it/repls/FruitfulNervousReentrant 16:59
melezhik I won't be able to do this for 2 reasons 17:00
they are zomby and usually get released after reboot
and they owned by blin
I ssh under under different account wuthout sudo privileges
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Log::JSON (0.2.0) by 03TYIL 17:02
rba blin is running and usese the resources 17:28
sena_kun I'm taking a blin image, yes. 17:36
509 out of 1464 modules processed. 17:37
patrickb I'm trying to fix up DateTime::TimeZone. 17:44
The documentation promises that TimeZone::Zone objects can be passed to DateTime.new and has a `.Int` method. 17:45
patrickb But `DateTime.now` doesn't accept such TimeZone::Zone objects. `DateTime::new` does however. 17:51
patrickb Error is `Type check failed in binding to parameter '$timezone 17:55
'; expected Cool but got DateTime::TimeZone::Zone::Europe::Berlin
When looking at the code (github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....pm6#L299) I don't see any type contraint. What might be wrong? 17:56
[Coke] .now doesn't accept DateTime objects, either. 18:10
vrurg Sorry for off-topic, but I'd like to ask latin alphabet users. Which one looks better: " 18:12
"TopiTop" or "TopyTop"?
[Coke] patrickb: oh, you mean pass it in as as :$timezone
can you show the code that is failing?
Geth doc: uzluisf++ created pull request #3436:
Document several index/rindex's needles feature
Geth doc: softmoth++ created pull request #3437:
Type::Str.lines: document new :$chomp parameter
Geth doc: e07e6e7b4b | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | 2 files
Document several index/rindex's needles feature
doc: 6bbce26bec | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #3436 from uzluisf/index-rindex-string

Document several index/rindex's needles feature
jdv79 timotimo: you might want to change the default for MOARPERF_HOST to not localhost cause that don't work in containers 18:29
jdv79 maybe 18:29
Geth doc: 73a6367f34 | (Tim Smith)++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Type::Str.lines: document new :$chomp parameter

doc: e80e03e6db | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Merge pull request #3437 from softmoth/Str-lines-chomp

Type::Str.lines: document new :$chomp parameter
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Str
patrickb [Coke]: useDateTime::TimeZone; DateTime.now: timezone('Europe/Berlin'); #From memory. Work computer is turned off, but I think that's the failing line. Uhm, I did fix up DatTime::TimeZone in my clone. Official repo explodes violently during install. 18:38
Geth doc: b302b19c5e | Coke++ | doc/Type/Str.pod6
Fix signature bug

  (invocant isn't comma separated)
pass xt/ again
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Str
[Coke] patrickb: I know that's from memory, but missing a : before timezone.
... oh, maybe not. 18:40
(that's a sub. not sure how that works...)
patrickb [Coke]: useDateTime::TimeZone; DateTime.now: timezone => timezone('Europe/Berlin'); # That might have actually been it now that you mention it's a named arg. 18:42
I'm away for a bit 18:43
[Coke] yah, that looks like what I'd expect. I think we have special treatment if you were using, e.g. $timezone, but not timezone() 18:52
timotimo jdv79: is there an env var that'd let me decide whether we're in a container or not? if the port is open to the world, you can do some nasty stuff, probably 19:13
Manifest0 Isn't a token with '<:alnum+[\-]>+' the same as one with '<:alpha+[\-\d]>+'? 19:49
The second one works on my grammar while the first one doesn't. Should they be equivalent?
[Coke] at first glance, yes; what string is matching differently? 20:03
MasterDuke i don't think \d inside a character class means the same as outside, it just means 'd' 20:06
Manifest0 paste.opensuse.org/69488640 20:12
an example 20:13
jdv79 timotimo: idk about universally.
iirc starman does by default...
Manifest0 [Coke]: for example this one: "X-Signature-v2" 20:14
[Coke] for me the alpha one matches, but alnum does not. 20:49
m: dd "X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <:alnum>+ / , "X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <:alpha>+ / 20:54
camelia Nil
Match.new(:orig("X-Signature-v2"), :from(0), :pos(1))
[Coke] m: dd ~("X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <:alnum>+ /), ~("X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <:alpha>+ /) 20:54
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] I would expect both of those to return "X" 20:55
MasterDuke i think there's a confusion between pre-defined character classes, e.g., `<alpha>` and `<alnum>`, unicode properties, e.g., <:Nl>, and enumerated character classes, e.g., `<[abc2..4]>` 20:56
unicode properties can be added/subtracted, e.g., `<:Nl + :P>` 20:57
and with enumerated char classes, e.g., `<[\d] - [13579]>` 20:58
some of the unicode properties have long names, but not all 21:02
"The predefined character classes [...] are implemented as built-in named regexes." 21:05
[Coke] m: dd ~("X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <alnum>+ /), ~("X-Signature-v2" ~~ / <alpha>+ /) 21:07
camelia "X"
Manifest0 [Coke]: Correct. Only the alpha one works. 21:14
MasterDuke: So, none of them should work? 21:15
MasterDuke well, the alpha works because that's a long name, seems like an alias for <:L> 21:18
[Coke] news.perlfoundation.org/post/call_...2020_round - and I didn't post it! 21:37
*my* mistake was expecting the : syntax to work everywhere
Dwarf I'm reading docs.raku.org/language/grammar_tut...l_overview and the following part isn't clear to me: "Rule methods are the same as token methods except whitespace is not ignored." -- if it's not ignored, why are things space delimited in a rule? 21:49
jnthn Dwarf: "not ignored" means "are treated as syntax" rather than "matched literally"; they actually insert a <.ws> 21:55
(look up sigspace for details)
They save you writing explicit calls to a whitespace token all over the place
Dwarf Ah, are the docs open source? When I've got some time I'll gladly update the docs to make that more clear 21:56
jnthn Yes 21:57
Dwarf Awesome, thank you.
jnthn I *think* a docs page has a link to its source at the bottom
thundergnat NativeCall Cstruct pass-by-value angst: github.com/thundergnat/SDL2-ttf/bl...y-value.md 22:22
timotimo ah yeah sdl2-ttf 22:26
that's where i despaired as well
thundergnat Ah. well at least I'm not alone...
timotimo but i suspect sdl2-ttf could actually be small enough to reimplement in raku 22:27
thundergnat Quite possibly (even likely) but it maker a nice small test library for someone interested in implementing pass-by-value 22:28
timotimo also true, though it may not be very easy to test if the result is correct 22:29
and i guess you'll also want to test passing two, three, four, five structs by value?
thundergnat Honestly, it seems pretty rare that _large_ structs are passed by value. 22:30
thundergnat I could even forsee needing to pass in some kind of "format" to the Struct builder so it knows exactly what the layout will be without it needing to puzzle it out. 22:33
discoD This is my interpretation of an MVM bytecode parser. It's not worth adding to the ecosystem, but some might find it interesting. github.com/ddlws/MVMbc 22:34
couldn't you just cheat and pack the bytes into an int?
Geth doc: uzluisf++ created pull request #3438:
Add few examples for named arguments as adverbs
thundergnat discoD: maybe; probably for this particular instance; I was seeing if I could maybe steer someone who is looking for a way to contribute toward something that would be a nice improvement.
discoD gotcha
Xliff \o 23:00
Can someone tell me if there is a way to extract the POD entries at the end of enum entries, ala: repl.it/@Xliff/LovableUnsightlyRef...#main.raku 23:01
Geth ecosystem: d3ed7d51f1 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Add Spreadsheet::XLSX

jnthn In the unlikely event somebody finds spreadsheets really exciting, there's plenty of opportunities to add more functionality in that module... :) 23:10
Xliff stays quiet. 23:21
jnthn: Will multi-dimensional indexes work with an array? 23:22
So: @a = (1, 1); $$worksheet[@a] # B2 23:23
jnthn: Also, what use case did you have for Spreadsheet::XLSX where something like XLSX::Writer wouldn't satisfy? 23:25