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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
xinming_ SmokeMachine: How do we check IS NULLABLE for column? .col-name.DEFINITE doesn't seem work 02:16
hmm, .so worked 02:20
Ignore me.
SmokeMachine xinming_: with .defined or just `with` 03:10
SmokeMachine .tell xinming_ github.com/FCO/Red/blob/c463130de0...od-defined 04:18
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to xinming_
Geth_ doc: olorin37++ created pull request #3666:
Fix typo in haskell example
rindolf Hi all! How do I install prove6 ? I tried «zef install TAP::Harness» and it mostly silently succeeded, but «find ~/apps ~/.raku ~/.perl6 ~/.local -name '*prove6*'» finds nothing and neither does 'locate perl6' . I need it for testing github.com/CurtTilmes/raku-primesieve 06:58
Geth_ doc: 90325692a7 | (Jakub A. G)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/haskell-to-p6.pod6
Fix typo in haskell example

To make literal behaving like regular function sorround operator with parens. To get opposite sorround function with backticks.
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/haskell-to-p6
Geth_ ¦ problem-solving: JJ assigned to rba Issue Manage GitHub organization secrets github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/240 08:17
xinming_ What's the right way to get files under resources, seems the %?RESOURCES will be changed in modules and starting scripts. How can I make this "consistent", to access files under resources within modules? 09:37
tellable6 2020-10-18T04:18:43Z #raku <SmokeMachine> xinming_ github.com/FCO/Red/blob/c463130de0...od-defined
xinming_ I found that when I try to access %?RESOURCES<xxx> with an object method, It'll result `Empty`, Which is a Slip. So, what is the right way to use %?RESOURCES var plaease/ 09:39
tbrowder .tell xinming have you tried %?RESOURCES.keys to see whats there? do you have anything in your resources dir? is resources mentioned in Meta file (not sure if that’s required)? 13:08
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to xinming_
tbrowder .tell xinming see module RakuAdvent::Wordpress for an example of using %?RESOURCES 14:02
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to xinming_
luk_v weekly: www.perl.com/article/the-perl-amba...an-conway/ 16:17
notable6 luk_v, Noted! (weekly)
tbrowder a bit of help, please: 23:32
given class A does B, class C is A. is role B still in inherited class C? 23:33
[Coke] m: role B { method eek { say "hi"} }; class A does B { }; class C is A { }; C.eek 23:36
camelia hi
[Coke] m: role B { method eek { say "hi"} }; class A does B { }; class C is A { }; C.eek; C.^roles.say 23:37
camelia hi
[Coke] tbrowder: yes
tbrowder [Coke]: thnx 23:48
tj94 trying to pass arguments to cross as an array: 23:55
@params=(<1 2 3>,<4 5 6>); 23:56
does not work.
Finally got it to work using
do ($_) for [X] @params; 23:57
Just curious why the first form doesn't work?