🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
sten_____ : 01:28
sten_____ .say for <A>..<z> 01:29
evalable6 A
sten_____ '[' , ']' , '\' , '^' , '`' : What that ???? 01:31
uzl[m] m: say "A".ord, "z".ord; 01:37
camelia 65122
uzl[m] m: say "A".ord, " ", "z".ord, " ", "["; 01:38
camelia 65 122 [
uzl[m] m: say "A".ord, " ", "z".ord, " ", "[".ord;
camelia 65 122 91
uzl[m] sten_____: You're looping over a range from "A" to "z", and that range includes a few other characters other than alphabetic characters 01:40
PimDaniel \o Hi 10:34
tellable6 2021-03-04T10:42:15Z #raku <jmerelo> PimDaniel sorry, I didn't catch this before... You can use .tell jmerelo to leave messages for me here.
2021-03-04T10:43:21Z #raku <jmerelo> PimDaniel you can use the sigil & to indicate it's a block instead of a $
Geth ¦ problem-solving: patrickbkr assigned to codesections Issue The PS-process' acceptance policy doesn't match reality github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/272
PimDaniel jemerelo the last problem is done. Thank's.
PimDaniel I've got a problem with push : when inside a class i write : push @!angle, ($!xpos,$!xpos); It seams that i pushed an address instead of values because at least each part of the array @angle contains the last value of $!xpos and $!ypos. How to work around this? 10:38
I can resolve the problem by copying $!xpos and $!xpos into my variables eg ($x,$y) = $!xpos,$!ypos but i think there's a better solution. 10:40
moritz are these numbers? if yes, just push (+$!xpos, +$!xpos) 10:50
PimDaniel thank's moritz, i just seee into the reference that $!xpos.item could decontainerize it. 10:53
If this works, i think it's better for one to read code afterwards. 10:54
moritz TBH I find .item just as unintuitive as +, because it's it's already an item (just like it's already a number) 10:55
moritz maybe most readable: sub decont($x) { $x } with an explanatory comment 10:56
and then push (decont($!a), decont($!b))
PimDaniel moritz , it does not seam to work anyway with .item. :( 10:58
decont is probably the best method.
The *good one.
pedro__ hi 11:37
moritz hi pedro__ 11:39
pedro__ I have a doubt
Geth doc/finanalyst-patch-2: cce55dd49e | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/IO/Path/Parts.pod6
Update Parts.pod6

copy-paste-o by context should be 'volume', probably text pasted from elsewhere.
uzl[m] .ask lizmat is the bot for submitting Rakudo Weekly News entries still around? In any case, this is a Raku-related link: lobste.rs/s/diluza/imagining_ideal...or_writing 13:14
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to lizmat
hazim hello i have a question , is there something like java synchronized in raku 13:18
tellable6 2021-01-31T10:29:24Z #raku <jmerelo> hazim that fails from time to time. You can try and install it by hand in advance.
2021-01-31T10:36:53Z #raku <PimDaniel> hazim i tried to install cro and i got theses erreurs => /usr/bin/ld : ne peut trouver -ltommath /usr/bin/ld : ne peut trouver -latomic_ops
2021-01-31T10:38:22Z #raku <PimDaniel> hazim but theses are easy to resolve has you may know, but you can may be check if you have theses libraries anyway.
CIAvash weekly: lobste.rs/s/diluza/imagining_ideal...or_writing 13:22
notable6 CIAvash, Noted! (weekly)
codesections CIAvash: thanks for linking that; it's good to hear what some non-Rakoons think about those ideas 14:18
lizmat weekly: lobste.rs/s/diluza/imagining_ideal...or_writing 15:36
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
tellable6 2021-03-05T13:14:07Z #raku <uzl[m]> lizmat is the bot for submitting Rakudo Weekly News entries still around? In any case, this is a Raku-related link: lobste.rs/s/diluza/imagining_ideal...or_writing
lizmat ^^ uzl[m] noted :-) 15:36
codesections From that comment thread: > The speaker goes on to talk about Raku, which I guess is what Perl6 turned into (?), as being one of the fun languages with a friendly community. 15:52
which gets the reply: > Yikes, I wouldn’t touch perl with a barge pole :)
codesections sighs heavily 15:53
jdv79 sounds about right. nothings changed in the last decade or so in that regard. 16:56
tonyo if there isn't implicit variable declaration what is the point? 17:30
gfldex codesections: I like it when I read such comments. Without knowing a person well it can be quite hard to tell if their opinion is based on good judgement/deep knowledge or if they are driven my vanity. The faster I can identify a fool the faster I can ignore them. 18:29
El_Che gfldex: www.kimaerickson.com/wp-content/up...PMILWT.jpg 18:30
raydiak Just playing devil's advocate here, but to assess a statement based on its source (and by extension, the source's real or imagined motivation, character, history, or other attributes) is a logical fallacy with some latin name from debate class which I don't know. There's always more context you may or may not know, regardless of your assumptions about the source. The person could be saying that because they're 19:14
emtionally attached to another paradigm with a lot of dogma about why perl is so bad, or because they were the lead developer of a large project with too many junior engineers under them, or because they wrote mission-critical stuff in raku and it actually failed to achieve mission objectives
codesections what syntactical role is the colon in the following line playing? 19:16
m: say :{ #`( stuff) } 19:17
camelia {}
codesections My first thought would be that it makes sure that the {} is a hash rather than a block (or the reverse), but it doesn't seem to 19:18
raydiak codesections: docs.raku.org/language/hashmap#index-entry-:{} 19:19
"By default keys in { } are forced to strings. To compose a hash with non-string keys, use a colon prefix" 19:20
MasterDuke --target=parse might be helpful
codesections not sure how I missed that, raydiak++. Thanks 19:21
raydiak yw
raydiak Anyone working on anything cool/awesome/inpiring/(verg/adverb/part-of-speech-of-your-choice) today? 20:20
El_Che raydiak: I wanted to pick up some JS for a future project and wrote a page with cats and Kanban/Agile quotes (to laugh with the extreme evangelists at work :) ) 20:34
Cool, you can just drop js on github pages and it works 20:36
cog Hi, is there a way to predeclare an enum, I will define later with an EVAL ? 20:57
moritz well, you can do something like my \TheEnum = EVAL $string; 20:59
of course you have none of the compile-time benefits of an enum if you don'T delare it at compile time 21:00
cog m: BEGIN { my $reg-type-str = "1 => 1"; EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( $reg-type-str )"; } 21:06
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
EVAL is a very dangerous function!!! (use the MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma
to override this error but only if you're VERY sure your data contains
no injection attacks).
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 Reg-Ty…
cog m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { my $reg-type-str = "1 => 1"; EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( $reg-type-str )"; } 21:07
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling
This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Int
at :
cog m: > use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( 1 => 1 )"; } 21:10
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3>7⏏5 use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "e
cog m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( 1 => 1 )"; } 21:11
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling
This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Int
at :
cog m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "class {}"; } 21:13
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block at <tmp> line 1
5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/E…
cog m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "class \{\}"; } 21:14
camelia ( no output )
raydiak El_Che: kanban means many different things according to search engines and even my own work expeience. can you show me in code what you're working on? 21:15
El_Che "working on"is stretching it :) nxadm.github.io/TheOracleOfKanbanJS/ 21:16
raydiak heh, cool little steam of inspiration, though 21:19
El_Che :) 21:20
raydiak I used to work on the shop floor of a manufacutring company which took many inspirations from Toyota, we had a very different concept of "kanban" more like here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban 21:23
cog m: > use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( a => 1 )"; } 21:25
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3>7⏏5 use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "e
cog m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; BEGIN { EVAL "enum Reg-Types is export ( a => 1 )"; } 21:26
camelia ( no output )
cog Silly me
El_Che raydiak: I have no problems with kanban (or boards and tracks), but I feel the ideas are not really followed and it turns very fast into rituals 21:29
raydiak El_Che: if you are saying that some poeple grasp quickly for rote knowledge while others seek a higher structural and logical wisdom, then...I agree? 21:34
cog Solved my problem. Creating my enum in a BEGIN { EVAL "..." }, I dit not need to predeclare. But that question is left open. 21:40
tonyo we used a flavor of kanban in the military for avionics 22:31
they didn't call it that, though. we also did lean and six sigma. 22:32
jdv79 all the "agile" stuff ive seen is garbage. ritual, excess, and unproductive. 22:53
at $work we oficially do kanban but in reality not really. its bs. 22:55