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Geth doc: 04702f1fbd | Coke++ | 6 files
Renumber test files
doc: 2011280084 | Coke++ | 2 files
Renumber test files

Geth doc: coke self-assigned Array indices can only have 63 bits github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3307
0f6bce51d6 | Coke++ | doc/Language/subscripts.pod6

Closes #3307
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/subscripts
tbrowder hi, gang, anyone here at the moment? 12:18
lizmat i'm here, fsvo here :-) 12:21
leont What's wrong with modules.raku.org's search? searching for "path finder" doesn't list my module Path::Finder. That seems rather suboptimal. 14:33
jraspass raku.land?q=path+finder works ;-) 14:36
rba leont: modules is updated hourly 14:40
leont rba: I didn't just release it
The module has existed for over two years, most recent release was in December 14:41
jraspass yeah looks like you need colons on mro 14:42
rba Hmm. Will look into it when I‘m back at my desk
jraspass what's the backend? solr? 14:43
bazzaar Hi Raku 15:01
I just installed Rakudo v2021.02.1. using the Cloudshare pre-built package for OpenSuse Leap 15.2, been problematic due to many Warning messages about not being able to create Short directories 15:05
thought it was a zef issue, but now discovered that it's more a rakudo bug, and as a fix I just created the /opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/vendor/short and /opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/site/short myself 15:08
El_Che bazzaar: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/issues/81 15:33
tellable6 El_Che, I'll pass your message to bazzaar
El_Che ah gone
lizmat: raising the bug to rakudo is a good idea. Many people will confuse the warning with an error 15:36
tbrowder thx lizmat, got sidetracked 17:23
lizmat that would never happen to me :-) 17:24
tbrowder anyone have a link to altai-man's doc site? 17:28
lizmat 17:31
tbrowder ^^ 17:34
tbrowder thnx, interesting, still no sorted lists :-( 17:47
Geth doc: 7126ea1626 | Coke++ | doc/Language/subscripts.pod6
Mention alternatives

for #3307 Also put under Positional
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/subscripts 17:54
tbrowder .tell vrurg i changed roast PR #722 as suggested 22:16
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to vrurg
vrurg tbrowder: I just've seen email notification. :) 22:30
tellable6 2021-03-13T22:16:13Z #raku <tbrowder> vrurg i changed roast PR #722 as suggested
[Coke] . 23:31
Geth doc: 106ded5dff | Coke++ | writing-docs/STYLEGUIDE.md
Fix Perl 5 to use nbsp
doc: e4c4c455f0 | Coke++ | writing-docs/STYLEGUIDE.md
Remove mention of IE

Closes #3811
doc: 760c3dfa07 | Coke++ | xt/perl-nbsp.t
Fix error reporting

This test used to report on line numbers, but has been broken in that respect for some time; instead report the number of instances an issue was found in the file.
Avoid calling lines & re-joining, just slurp the data.
Geth doc: 47c247bfec | Coke++ | doc/Language/py-nutshell.pod6
Fix python output in sample

Closes #3797
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/py-nutshell