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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
moon-child is nqp-js broken? I get a bunch of errors like this one when trying to build it 0x0.st/-TT_.txt 05:04
CIAvash moon-child: probably related to your node version. rakudo package on npm mentions "node 10.16.0 or 12.11.1" as dependencies www.npmjs.com/package/rakudo 07:08
moon-child ...oh 07:09
I have 15
CIAvash If you really want to try it, you can use a node version manager like `fnm` to install and use `v12.11.1` 07:23
stoned75 08:46
adot How can I get the moarVM bytecode for a program? I've tryed `raku --target=mbc -o f.bc -- hello.p6` but it gives 11:42
Cannot dump this object; no dump method
hello.p6 is `say "Hello World";`
MasterDuke i think it might have to be --output, iirc the short form is broken 11:44
adot Yep, that works, thanks 11:45
MasterDuke np
MasterDuke keeps forgetting to create a rakudo issue for that
no-n I have a Perl 5 program and a Raku program that look the same but the Raku program waits for an extra keystroke. paste.ubuntu.com/p/6WSWVXHgyw/ and paste.ubuntu.com/p/mgQwDWpwNW/ 12:00
timotimo docs.raku.org/type/IO::Handle#routine_getc - this might help you 12:07
tellable6 hey timotimo, you have a message: gist.github.com/69e7f4fdb5f81ab3d5...96feffdebc
adot Follow up: I've compiled the program with `rakudo --target=mbc --output=hello.moarvm hello.p6`, and when I try to run it with `moar --libpath=/usr/local/Cellar/rakudo/2021.02.1/share/perl6/lib/Perl6 hello.moarvm` I get 12:29
Unhandled exception: Cannot call method 'load_setting' on a null object
   at <unknown>:1  (/usr/local/Cellar/rakudo/2021.02.1/share/perl6/lib/Perl6/ModuleLoader.moarvm:<dependencies+deserialize>)
 from <unknown>:1  (hello.moarvm:<dependencies+deserialize>)
How would I solve/go about debuging this.
ugexe the short answer is you cant run your compiled code directly 12:34
not yet anyway
so if you want to debug that, first you need to implement it in moarvm so there is something to debug 12:35
yakshavingcream.blogspot.com/2019/...o-run.html 12:37
ugexe nothing really materialized out of that though 12:39
adot `perl6` (the command line program) is now `rakudo`/`raku` (which are both the same), right? 12:42
ugexe yeah
adot Is it ever possible to have `moar` (the cli) run bytecode then, or is it always an implemetation detail of `rakudo` 12:48
Marcool Hi all, has there been any changes in v2021.03 as to handling of signatures in subs? 14:21
Specifically I had a script that used: 14:22
unit sub MAIN( Str :$quality where { $quality ∈ <lofi midfi hifi> } = "hifi", etc.); blabla
that used to work
and now that's throwing:
Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)
and is fixed thus:
Marcool unit sub MAIN( Str :$quality where { $_ ∈ <lofi midfi hifi> } = "hifi", etc.); blabla 14:23
lizmat Marcool: I think this is the problem: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4278 ? 14:33
which should get fixed before the next release, as it is marked a blocker
Marcool oh yeah! thanks for finding that :) sounds exactly right 14:43
tonyo .tell tbrowder you don't need to remove anything from cpan before uploading to fez 19:13
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
tbrowder tonyo: thanks! 19:14
tonyo .tell tbrowder zef will choose whatever version is most recent, i've been chatting with ugexe about putting `strict` repositories first. we're discussing but no news yet 19:15
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
tonyo hey may have done that while i was out of enjoyin the woods for the last couple weeks
tbrowder now i'm waiting for skaji_ to integrate his fez branch for App::Mi6 19:16
japhb Ooh, fez support in mi6? That would be awesome! 21:51
lizmat indeed! 21:52