🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
Geth doc: 2b3d8489c5 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Language/101-basics.pod6
Fix probable pasto
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/101-basics 04:48
Geth doc: 68484aa361 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
Provide a practical example of interpolating package names
doc: ab59cf3d16 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
fix typo, add a line to show cotinuation
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/packages
tib Hello good *, looking for more Raku speakers for the ephemeral miniconf. Possible lightning talk. Come on rakoons! Anyone? e.g. tbrowder on documentation timo on profiling lizmat on marketing/core or tonyo ugexe on toolchain :) 08:31
tib tries its luck 08:32
Geth doc: tbrowder++ created pull request #3955:
Pkg interp: complete example, improve var names
tbrowder tib: thnx for mention but i don't have energy or time enough for prep. but i would like to lobby for Pensacola, Florida, for the next Raku/Perl conf in US. 12:38
great beach! check out reviews online. 12:40
city was under flags of many countries through the centuries 12:41
oops, i see it's now shown to be scheduled to be in houston in '22 12:44
[Coke] I would argue strongly against having any in person conference in Florida in the US. 13:51
[Coke] (Based on state's response to the pandemic) 13:51
Geth doc/master: 5 commits pushed by Coke++ 14:17
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2021/09/06/2021-...lean-disp/ 15:39
Geth doc/master: 6 commits pushed by (Tom Browder)++ 15:44
tbrowder [Coke]: i may have murfled yr chgs to my doc pr 16:17
better check it 16:24
Geth doc: efd20b485e | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/packages.pod6
Update packages.pod6
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/packages
xinming japhb: thanks for the note, I never thought we have CBOR thing out there, I thought it was yet to be in brainstorm stage wild idea 17:38
Geth doc: b6031aec7f | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | xt/pws/code.pws
new word
codesections I find this surprising: 18:22
m: sub f(*@a ($ = 42, *@)) { dd @a }; say f 18:23
camelia Array element = []
codesections It seems like that should either be an error or [42], doesn't it? 18:24
tbrowder .tell [Coke] i think yr relevant chgs are fixed in my doc PR, but pls ck it when you get a chance 18:59
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
tonyo tib: what's the ephem miniconf? 19:03
tellable6 2021-09-04T00:42:03Z #raku <tbrowder> tonyo thanks, i'll work on the PR
2021-09-04T10:24:40Z #raku <tbrowder> tonyo i'm confused. it looks like you have already implemented the env var, thank you very much!
tonyo .tell tbrowder indeed the env var egg is in the nest 19:04
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
tib tonyo a Perl and Raku online/free miniconf I organize the 18th of november 19:08
Geth doc: Mercerenies++ created pull request #3956:
Corrected Ruby nutshell typo
tonyo i don't know how reliable i can be for that date, going to be living in a van and driving across the us 19:27
and if this aqi stays at 400 i'll probably just be dead by then 19:28
lizmat aqi? 19:30
tonyo air quality 19:33
lizmat ah, I guess the US should stop smoking :-( 19:34
tonyo www.purpleair.com/map?opt=1/mAQI/a.../-121.2851 19:35
we've had too many fires here, this is the best it's been in a week but i'm still walking around with a respirator mask
xinming Where do I check the log for the channel please? 20:03
I want to find a question I asked before
got it 20:04
codesections colabti.org/irclogger//irclogger_l...earch/raku is the current/old place
xinming Is .map call allowed for @array within .hyper.map({ ... }) ??? 20:20
I got `Cannot call method 'fully-reified' on a null object` randomly, I'll try to narrow down the snippets 20:21
so you can easier focus on where the issue is
lizmat yeah, that sounds wrong :-) 20:31
tbrowder tonyo: the update to Data::Dump is great! thnx. i've already set my fav env var and removed :color and other vars from s 20:46
tellable6 2021-09-07T19:04:12Z #raku <tonyo> tbrowder indeed the env var egg is in the nest
tbrowder *my active using code
japhb xinming: Was there anything you needed for your use case with round-tripping Captures that is more advanced than a tagged 2-tuple of map and array? 20:54
Geth doc: a9dcda5d7b | Coke++ | doc/Language/packages.pod6
preferred variant

doc: 23018392fc | Coke++ | doc/Language/packages.pod6
pass examples compilation
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/packages
Geth doc: 1112bd9b48 | Coke++ | xt/pws/code.pws
cleanup word list