🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
Petr how convert string to byte array? 01:20
Mondenkind .encode 01:22
ugexe all we've got left are bort arrays 01:24
Petr thanks 01:25
const char *string is Str in Raku? 01:26
I try to play with Nativecall
Voldenet yes 01:46
guifa hrm, found another big (I had a < where the C original had a >, d'oh) but still haven't tracked down the new-disp error 01:53
Petr Function(const char *str){}. Cant find how it use from NativeCall 01:56
will never work with declared signature (Str) 01:59
Voldenet discord-raku-bot: you can call it like that, but 02:24
keep the extern 02:25
Petr#9247: this works for me (boilerplate so I don't have to maintain two files and a makefile) ix.io/3BXL 02:29
Petr Thanks!! I try ) 02:30
Geth raku.org: 0e5c1645c7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 9 files
Remove ® from the most visible places

But add it to the footer that's everywhere
Geth raku.org: eb12713f71 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | source/index.html
Missed one "in your face" ®
perryprog in yo face, big disgrace 14:02
Geth doc: dumarchie++ created pull request #3973:
Document pop, shift, push and append more concisely
patrickb o/ 15:10
tbrowder patrickb: \o 16:56
patrickb: any idea when rakudo/src/Perl6 dir will be renamed 16:58
patrickb o/ 17:04
patrickb tbrowder: I might be wrong, but I think jnthn has the intention to build RakuAST in rakudo/src/Raku and drop rakudo/src/Perl6 after RakuAST went live. Could be I confuse this with some other dir though. 17:06
lizmat yes, I think that's the plan 17:10
Xliff Has anyone seen this error before? 17:18
lang-call cannot invoke object of type 'VMNull' belonging to no language
lizmat that feels like a dispatcher dropping the ball somewhere along the way
probably better reported on #moarvm 17:19
Xliff TThanks, lizmat 17:32
guifa can't seem to track down the error :-( 17:50
tbrowder thnx, sounds good 17:51
japhb lizmat: Emotes (like guifa's above) don't seem to be sufficiently visually distinct (to my eyes, at least). Italics maybe? 19:20
eof multiple here-documents on the same line is a truly terrifying prospect when writing syntax highlighters 21:19
eof i looked into whether treesitter could handle raku for this, and it doesn't seem like it has the capacity to fully support some of the language constructs. 21:22
MasterDuke interesting, i'd wondered that 21:28
eof as-is, i currently have a string propertizer for emacs that can deal with the entire range of adverbs and quoting constructs (save for heredoc) correctly and I'm currently thinking about how I want to approach heredoc. 21:35
tbrowder eof: a proper heredoc handler for emacs would be most welcome! 22:44
as a hint, reading the Synopsis 2 on heredocs might help you see how Raku parses them 22:46
eof I had actually had a working prototype for heredoc built around a previous strategy, but rethought the way things currently work a bit. 22:55
the strategy described in Syn.2 si optimal; however, the current approach I am using in emacs is still a "dumb" linear analysis that decorates text and moves on. this is primarily for the sake of efficiency. 22:56
i think i would ideally store a parse tree and then walk that to decorate text. it would work better; however, assembling a quality tree in emacs would require almost completely implementing and maintaining a raku parser in emacs 22:57
i have wondered if the best approach is to write some raku that can spit out the parse tree for a file in sexprs and then emacs can work over that. the primary issues I can think of for this approach are that I'm not certain that I can easily get quality parse trees for invalid or incomplete code, and that there is potential for noticeable lag when updating the document - asynchronous execution of the raku code would prevent the interface from freezing, but font faces 22:59
would update slower than you could type
eof perhaps i'll play with cedet/semantic and see if that is a good fit 23:11
and then there's the matter of that being stale 23:16
eof it looks like treesitter can pull of heredocs with interpolation, so that's promising. dealing with balanced parens may be a bit tricky 23:27
plus the wide range of possible interpolations that may or may not be possible
Geth Raku-Steering-Council/main: 7e55480f68 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | minutes/20211002.md
Fix typo in 2021-10-02 RSC meeting minutes
Raku-Steering-Council/main: 69f10bbea0 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | minutes/20211016.md
Add RSC meeting minutes for 2021-10-16