🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
spacekookie I managed to trace through the grammar and it kinda just seems like TOP is never executed. All other functions return what they're supposed to return and then it just ends 00:01
MasterDuke spacekookie: now is probably too late, but you could trying pinging moritz_ tomorrow. he's the grammar expert (literally wrote the raku book on grammars) 00:04
spacekookie Oh cool! Thank you! 00:05
I didn't know there was a raku book on grammars. That sounds like something I might want to read
MasterDuke smile.amazon.com/dp/1484232275/ (link from raku.org/resources/) 00:06
the book is good 00:07
spacekookie Awesome! Thank you :) 00:08
I should probably go to bed too soon anyway x) Wanna be awake enough for the new yearsparty tomorrow
Geth doc: 6384364fc4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/packages.pod6
Fixes error, closes #4004
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/packages
Geth doc: 76a3d9f4e1 | (JJ Merelo)++ | META6.json
Eliminates dep :arrow_down:
systems how to change where raku created the .raku/ folder by default? 08:18
where the reply create it for example
i got it, i set $env:HOME = 'PATH' , its windows powershell thing 08:39
thanks to Jonathan Stowe on twitter 😉
Geth doc: 0b046f2e6b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Fix broken link closes #3959
doc: 809b449f7f | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Routine.pod6
Adds new routine to Routine and wraps, #4002
doc: 10d7d8398c | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Telemetry.pod6
Adds new snap return value, refs #4002
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/modules
titsuki m: say do { given (False, False) { when (True, True) { "same" }; default { "different" } } 10:08
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> e) { "same" }; default { "different" } }⏏<EOL>
titsuki m: say do { given (False, False) { when (True, True) { "same" }; default { "different" } } }
camelia same
titsuki m: say (False, False) ~~ (True, True)
camelia True
moon-child m: say False ~~ True 10:09
camelia Potential difficulties:
Smartmatch against True always matches; if you mean to test the topic for truthiness, use :so or *.so or ?* instead
at <tmp>:1
------> say False ~~ ⏏True
moon-child ^ the culprit?
(though probably the previous code snippet should print a warning too)
titsuki Thanks, I got it. 10:10
titsuki m: say @(^10); my %h; %h{1;1} = @(^10); say %h{1;1}; 10:17
camelia (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
titsuki is this a bug? or is there any good ways to use a tuple as a hash key? 10:19
titsuki m: say @(^10); my %h; %h{(1,1).join(";")} = @(^10); say %h{(1,1).join(";")}; # <- are there any solutions better than this way? 10:35
camelia (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
lizmat titsuki: two things: if you'd be using an object hash, that might have worked if Lists had been value types 10:36
alas, they aren't
moon-child how about a two-level hash? 10:37
m: my %h; %h{1}{1} = @(^10); say %h{1}{1}
camelia (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
lizmat titsuki: maybe this can help: raku.land/zef:lizmat/Tuple 10:37
titsuki Thanks! I'll see this article 10:38
article -> module
Geth doc: finanalyst++ created pull request #4005:
Add filename extensions page
guifa pokes codesections 17:21
guifa ugh I still can't think of a topic for FOSDEM. I've got some stuff planned for P&C but no real way to preview it / prep it in time for FOSDEM 20:22
Anton Antonov <guifa> Thanks for reminding me! I planning to post a proposal today. 20:32
Here is a link to my Wolfram Community post "Connecting Mathematica and Raku" : community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/2434981 . (I am not proposing that to FOSDEM...) 20:33
guifa Anton: going to take me a while to process all of that but very interested in it! My dad was a math professor although I think he used Maple more than Mathematica 20:39
Anton Antonov Maple! So, wrong!!! 20:40
guifa lol
guifa I've always thought it could be a cool demonstration of Raku's extensibility to make a module to extend Numeric to go beyond just complex numbers 20:40
Anton Antonov For my PhD studies in applied mathematics I did all my course work in all of these three languages/systems: Mathematica, Maple, MATLAB. 20:41
guifa Like maybe some low hanging fruit could be somehow figuring out how to do n-roots losslessly, such that (√7)² == 7, just like (1/3) * 3 == 3 because of Rats 20:42
Anton Antonov Mathematica was a clear winner.
Yeah. Actually, it can be seen in the section "Encoders and decoders" in that post that Raku rationalizes the numbers given to it from Mathematica. Very few systems, except Mathematica can do that in a native way.
@guifa My FOSDEM proposal is extended version of this work: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...with-raku/ 20:44
guifa I <3 all things multilingual haha 20:45
guifa . o O ( also reminds me my other other other other projects on localization frameworks ) 20:46
Anton Antonov @guifa Yeah, good to know! Most like part of the Raku/Perl culture and cults, though. 20:47
I created a FOSDEM 2022 event titled "Multi-language Data Wrangling and Acquisition Conversational Agents". 21:17
moon-child guifa: cas get hairy quickly. But I would still love to see something like that 21:22
Anton Antonov @moon-child Same here. In many ways I see Raku as the only potentially serious competitor of Mathematica. 21:28
moon-child competitor in what respect? 21:29
I don't think anybody does all of things that mathematica does
and I think that, for every interesting thing that mathematica does, there is at least somebody else who does it too
guifa moon-child yeah, a full CAS would be awesome, but overkill and almost certainly would be best just wrapping and passing to extant systems. 21:36
But maybe with some work basic trig (possibly with π/τ, similar to how i works in complex numbers) and n-roots would add a lot of precision to every day ops
moon-child even just with rational powers, checking equality gets hairy 21:38
[Coke]_ hey, I got a raku book off my wishlist for the holidays. nifty 21:50
Geth doc: 398d9591e3 | Coke++ | doc/Type/Routine.pod6
avoid neologism
jjido [Coke] you received it as gift? Nice 21:55
Nemokosch neologism? bruh 21:59
not an appropriate use of the term I guess 22:01
[Coke] sounded nicer than "made up word" 22:04
basically, someone committed something without running the spell checker.
(could have also added it to the list of words if it was less neo) 22:05
Ultimatt Happy New Year (almost) 22:14
I was wondering if there is any info on whats the best Rakudo build setup for ARM, specifically Apple M1
Anton Antonov @moon-child "competitor in what respect?" -- Mathematical computations. 22:51
@moon-chiled " I don't think anybody does all of things that mathematica does" -- agreed. Especially the synergy between symbolic and numerical computations is hard to replicate. 22:52
@moon-child "and I think that, for every interesting thing that mathematica does, there is at least somebody else who does it too" -- That is a claim many people make. I am not convinced. I have seen similar and inferior functionalities in other systems. 22:54
moon-child cyc has the knowledge set. Maxima has the cas. Lisp has the symbolic manipulation and term-rewriting 22:57
gfldex pokes 2021 23:28
It's dead, Jim.
Happy new Raku year!
tbrowder [Coke]_: which book did Santa give you? 23:36