🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
tbrowder asm is for super geeks, but it is fun for an intro course and never use it again 00:09
tonyo haha, it's useful for other stuff too just not very practical for general computing 02:23
i used some form of it when i worked on test equipment for jets
tbrowder oh, yeah, the original iot, but without the internet part. 02:27
perryprog or you can use it to flex on the projecteuler forums 02:28
and codegolf.stackexchange.com
tbrowder did you know the us f-111f had its digital nav system programmed with punched tape readers plugged into the jet by ground crew members? 02:30
perryprog Yes! tbrowder told me that just today 02:31
That's pretty crazy
tbrowder yep, but it was state-of-the-art at the time for operational gear 02:33
perryprog Not quite as gnarly as string encoding your ROM, though 02:34
and no, not "that" kind of string ;-) 02:35
see: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P12r8DKHsak&t=20s
and also: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KSahAoOLd...7&t=0s 02:36
and also: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh_gP5aF3ys
(this is a time-worthy rabbit hole by the way)
tbrowder i should have said punched tape players i guess, read the tape and converted the tape holes to electrical signals
perryprog Is there a semantical difference between reader and player? 02:37
tbrowder i guess it depends on which side of the process you’re on 02:39
the apollo program preceded f-111 a bit i think, but it was a much different priority and had mucho dollars in its budget 02:59
tonyo the earlier fa18s had a horizontal situational indicator that you'd have to calibrate on the flightline and would move according to what air speed indicated and projected a map onto a screen for the pilot to see where they were 03:11
sometimes we'd get them back for cal and the map would be off the reel or it'd be off by several hundred miles 03:15
jaguart @MasterDuke - thanks, that is what I am looking for... though I get errors about coercing Nil to Int with my specifics ... 08:23
jaguart m: say "a3bbbbbbc" ~~ /a(\d)b**{$0}/ 08:38
camelia 「a3bbb」
0 => 「3」
jaguart m: say "a3bbbbbbc" ~~ /a(\d)(b**{$0})/; 08:39
camelia Use of Nil.Int coerced to empty string
in regex at <tmp> line 1
This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Str
in regex at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jaguart m: "a3bbbbbbc" ~~ /a$<n>=[\d+]$<s>=[.**{$<n>+0}]/ 08:45
camelia ( no output )
jaguart m: say "a3bbbbbbc" ~~ /a$<n>=[\d+]$<s>=[.**{$<n>+0}]/
camelia 「a3bbb」
n => 「3」
s => 「bbb」
jaguart An adjective for raku? Let me start: orsome 08:53
Anton Antonov @jaguart "perflexing" 09:31
Nemokosch what does "orsome" express? 09:33
Anton Antonov I assume a crossbreed between "awesome" and "or some". 09:35
Nemokosch but like... why "or" 09:52
tbrowder tonyo: interesting, i thought fa18s had more digital avionics than that, guess it was quite a mixed bag with the long dev times, and many upgrades along the way…very rakuish 11:10
[Coke] teams-- 13:42
Anton Antonov @Nemokosch#9980 For me "or some" hints on "strangeness" or "redundancy" in Raku. (And sounds like "awesome".) 13:43
leont m: multi sub foo(Int:D(Cool:D) $foo) { dd $foo }; foo("1") 15:23
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling foo(Str) will never work with any of these multi signatures:
(Int:D(Cool:D):D $foo)
at <tmp>:1
------> ub foo(Int:D(Cool:D) $foo) { dd $foo }; ⏏foo("1")
leont I'm not sure how I'm always the one to run into issues like that 15:28
A26F64 Actually, I'm always asking myself the same question. 15:29
leont I guess some of us have an explorative mind, we're like "that's a cool feature and I know exactly where I could use that" 15:38
bisectable: v6.d multi sub foo(Int:D(Cool:D) $foo) { dd $foo }; foo("1")
bisectable6 leont, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
leont, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/e8e429935610ffdb55...261aa4bbc3 15:39
leont, Nothing to bisect!
leont bisectable: multi sub foo(Int:D(Cool:D) $foo) { dd $foo }; foo("1")
bisectable6 leont, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
leont, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/e1743bc00adb3899a5...4e2d2ccb22 15:40
leont, Bisecting by output (old=2018.09 new=2018.10) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
leont, bisect log: gist.github.com/92ea6e6e5e01b8c677...8033f00ea0
leont, (2018-10-23) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/02...2f041ccacb
leont, Bisecting by output (old=2017.12 new=2018.01) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
leont, bisect log: gist.github.com/b6a0a74f8f395d9631...8ffe9e9877 15:41
leont, (2018-01-02) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a1...ed6f00048c
leont So basically it has never worked, so I can't blame the new dispatcher
bisectable6 leont, Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/8243f147ab06bb3ef4...81ac505d10
leont What was the less verbose than bisectable command again? I clearly picked the wrong one
guifa Updated BASIC-test to include support for multis yay 15:49
tellable6 2022-02-09T15:55:28Z #raku <curiosa> guifa: thank you I've done that way
[Coke] windows issue: running the full script, it gets to a block that is like indir('path/to', { $proc = run('git',..., $file,:out); $proc.out.slurp(:close).trim}); ... and nothing I print in that block or immediately after is displayed. so that's where the script is just exiting. But if I extract the indir code to a standalone file, executes fine. any suggestions? 16:23
at this point I think my best bet may be to do a bisect rakudos and see when it broke. :| 16:26
"bisect of"
Is there a way to force rakudo to build nqp & moarvm even if they are already installed in the prefix dir? 16:30
moritz rm -rf install && perl Configure.pl --gen-moar 16:44
[Coke] , so no
that is less usable when you have a system install dir 16:45
laidback_01 rakudo is being used as a system language now? which system? 16:46
[Coke] sorry, only mean in a shared location, not local to the source dir.
laidback_01 oh, and I think I mean 'raku', my bad on that! 16:47
[Coke] (ugh, this bisect is going to take forever, have to reinstall half a dozen packages with zef and that is not fast on this box) 16:54
[Coke] (quicker to build moar/nqp/rakudo) 16:56
[Coke] ok, at least I have a good and bad rakudo on the bisect, so maybe I can find the issue. :) 17:02
Geth ecosystem: d5168408f0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove MIME::Base64 from p6c ecosystem, it lives in zef now
ecosystem: 6b92e5a804 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Fix p6c version of Benchmark to last commit before zef
Geth ecosystem: b7166221a0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Benchmark from p6c

It lives in the zef ecosystem now
ecosystem: 064fc0f5f2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Fix Test::Class to the last commit in p6c

So that we can move it to the zef ecosystem without any issues
jdv seems there's a bunch of roast errata fails - some todos, some not. 19:28
whoops - wrong chan
curiosa Hello, how would you define a grammar rule for a valid filename? is there any module providing that? 20:42
tellable6 hey curiosa, you have a message: gist.github.com/08da64c6dc3b4c007c...945e88f6b0
japhb curiosa: There are a lot of different definitions of "valid filename", depending on operating system, filesystem, kernel settings, etc. 20:49
curiosa japhb yes i know that is the issue 20:49
and sometime you are on win32 but still want to translate valid unix filenames 20:50
curiosa ok, is there a shortcut to make a rule case insensitive? 21:01
would have been nice if this worked: rule declaration:sym<pippo> { <sym:ignorecase> } 21:08
is there a shortcut like this?
japhb :i inside the brackets 21:16
curiosa inside these brackets: <>
it doesnt seem to work
japhb inside { } 21:17
curiosa nope 21:18
there is no way it can work
curiosa I really cannot declare a case insensitive token 21:24
seems weird
am I the first one trying to achieve anything like that? 21:25
what am I doing wrong?
token subsystem-keyword { "subsystem" :i }
doesn't work
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { "Subsystem" :i }; say "subsystem" ~~ &subsystem-keyword 21:28
camelia Nil
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { "subsystem" :i }; say "subsystem" ~~ &subsystem-keyword 21:29
camelia 「subsystem」
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { "subsystem" :i }; say "Subsystem" ~~ &subsystem-keyword
camelia Nil
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { "subsystem" :i }; say "Subsystem" ~~ &subsystem-keyword:i
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
subsystem-keyword:i used at line 1. Did you mean 'subsystem-keyword'?
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { :i "subsystem" :i }; say "Subsystem" ~~ &subsystem-keyword 21:30
camelia 「Subsystem」
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { :i "subsystem" "pera" }; say "Subsystem Pera" ~~ &subsystem-keyword
camelia Nil
curiosa39 m: my token subsystem-keyword { :i "subsystem" "pera" }; say "Subsystem pera" ~~ &subsystem-keyword
camelia Nil
curiosa39 m: my regex subsystem-keyword { :i "subsystem" "pera" }; say "Subsystem pera" ~~ &subsystem-keyword
camelia Nil
tonyo tbrowder: the cs and up all had gps and more electronics, the as and bs both had a mix of tech and old stuff 21:51
the flir pods were the most fun to work on and often caught fire 21:52
Geth doc/assoc-tbl: 8506034460 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | 2 files
Expand qq docs re esc sequences

This expands the description of interpolation with qq, especially with regards to backslash escape sequences.
doc/assoc-tbl: 1e0a7abae6 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | 2 files
Clarify operator precedence description and tbl

This commit clarifies the operator precedence table as discussed in Raku/doc#4029 and the accompanying discussion of operator precedence and associativity.
The commit made the following changes: ... (20 more lines)
Geth doc/assoc-tbl: f5f7ad5b82 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | 2 files
Clarify operator precedence description and tbl

This commit clarifies the operator precedence table as discussed in Raku/doc#4029 and the accompanying discussion of operator precedence and associativity.
The commit made the following changes: ... (20 more lines)
Geth doc: codesections++ created pull request #4031:
Clarify operator precedence description and table
doc: d9dae55f00 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | 2 files
Expand qq docs re esc sequences

This expands the description of interpolation with qq, especially with regards to backslash escape sequences.
Geth ¦ doc: codesections self-assigned xt/examples-compilation.t doc/Language/containers.pod6 github.com/Raku/doc/issues/4020 22:19
leont Am i correct to assume that Supply.list (and friends) have the same semantics as await would have (with regard to switching tasks instead of truly blocking) 23:36