🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
SmokeMachine u: element of 01:27
unicodable6 SmokeMachine, U+2208 ELEMENT OF [Sm] (∈)
SmokeMachine, U+2209 NOT AN ELEMENT OF [Sm] (∉)
SmokeMachine, 13 characters in total (∈∉∊⋲⋳⋴⋵⋶⋷⋸⋹⟒⫙): gist.github.com/1c28a0131096aa0b8e...0dd3c5bcc7
melezhik . 01:29
tellable6 2022-04-16T23:06:08Z #raku <SmokeMachine> melezhik it seems it's not being able to connect to PG...
2022-04-16T23:10:17Z #raku <SmokeMachine> melezhik sorry, it seems I misunderstood the message: `stderr: initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections`
2022-04-16T23:11:26Z #raku <SmokeMachine> melezhik I'm not finding what the error is on this log: sparrowhub.io:2222/report/132\
2022-04-16T23:12:35Z #raku <SmokeMachine> melezhik the truth is I can't see it running the tests...
melezhik .tell @SmokeMachine to see test report you need to open "report" tab 01:32
tellable6 melezhik, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Tellable
melezhik .tel SmokeMachine  to see test report you need to open "report" tab 01:34
Uploaded file: uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/8e9ec06e...2%20PM.png 01:38
^^ SmokeMachine
also init section creates all required red db user with password as well as test database 01:40
stderr: ++ sudo -u postgres psql -c 'create user testuser with password '\''testpass'\'''
 sudo -u postgres sh -l -c 'createdb redtest'
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'grant all privileges on database redtest to testuser;'
RED_DATABASE=Pg host=localhost port=5432 user=testuser password=testpass dbname=redtest
I also increase timeout to 1000 sec per build hopefully it will solve the problem of timeout for long running builds ... 01:46
hhcryfqnut this was tripping me up``` 02:18
[0,1] == [1,1]
before i realized it was comparing the lengths (i see that i need to use `eqv`)
also, as someone who has never done perl, i find the `@` sigil very tricky. (i think i'm getting the hang of it tho) 02:19
moon-child fwiw @ works differently than in perl 02:24
hhcryfqnut ah. i'm less alone then. lol 02:26
are these the same `(1,1).Array eqv [1,1].Array`   `(1,1) ~~ [1,1]`
melezhik . 03:24
guifa (1,1).Array becomes [1,1] 03:40
tellable6 2020-08-04T08:17:00Z #raku-dev <JJMerelo> .tell guifa can you upload your artlcle to the WP site as a draft? Let me schedule it when it's more convenient.
2020-08-06T08:20:00Z #raku-dev <JJMerelo> .tell guifa2 OK, great, thanks. That date is probably OK, I'll check.
guifa ummmmm
tellable6 you are drunk
AlexDaniel A little bit! 03:45
It was down for some time, I had some restoring to do 03:46
For some messages it doesn't know if it delivered them or not, sorry
guifa haha it's fine, that was just a bit hilarious
AlexDaniel :) I just made double sure that it delivers what it promised to deliver, in this case I guess I was too pessimistic 03:47
guifa I mean, I don't know. It might not have delivered that ever 03:51
I don't hop on raku-dev often, so if it used to go per channel, it might not have had the chance 03:52
grondilu m: class { has $.foo; multi method new($foo) { LEAVE say $.foo; self.bless: :$foo } }.new: "bar" 08:29
camelia Cannot look up attributes in a <anon|1> type object. Did you forget a '.new'?
in method foo at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
grondilu 🤔
should't the blessed instance be accessible in the LEAVE phaser? 08:30
nevermind I think I should use a BUILD submethod 08:33
lizmat grondilu: nowadays I would almost always recommend using TWEAK 08:37
problem with your code is that "self" inside "new" is still a type object, and $.foo is just short for "self.foo" 08:38
grondilu looked at the doc for TWEAK 08:47
yeah it looks more like what I need
Tirifto m: /<( [ Q[\] . || <-["]> ] * )>/ 17:07
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in metachar:sym<[ ]>; couldn't find final ']' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> /<( [ Q[\] . || <-["]> ] * )>⏏/
expecting any of:
Tirifto m: raku -e '/<( [ Q[\\] . || <-["]> ] * )>/' 17:08
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> raku -e⏏ '/<( [ Q[\\] . || <-["]> ] * )>/'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
Tirifto m: /<( [ Q[\\] . || <-["]> ] * )>/
camelia ( no output )
Tirifto ^ Is this a bug in Raku, or did I miss something? According to the documentation, Q quoting notation does not allow for backslash escapes, but it seems like backslash escapes are used anyway, since the first expression above throws an error, but the third one (where the backslash is escaped in ‘Q[\\]’) compiles just fine. (The second expression was a bad copy.) 17:10
Geth doc: 30206e44bb | (JJ Merelo)++ | xt/check-signatures.t
Minor doc changes #3871
Geth doc: 15ec823039 | (JJ Merelo)++ | xt/check-signatures.t
Prints the error to make it a bit more informative #3871
gfldex Tirifto: You are just matching for Q followed by a backslash. 19:00
Tirifto gfldex, Q doesn’t work as a quoting construct inside regexes? :o 19:02
gfldex indeed
Tirifto Ahh, I see. 19:03
Thank you!
Tirifto If I’m writing a parser for a document language, are there best practices to naming the module? 20:21
I see that there is a namespace for some languages that some modules/parsers use as their parent (XML::Parser::Tiny, XML::Actions, JSON::Fast, JSON::Tiny, JSON::Pretty), while others use it directly (XML, TOML), while others don’t use it at all (LibXML, YAMLish). This leaves me wondering what pattern should I follow if I would like to write and publish some modules and make them convenient for everyone. 20:26
gfldex It's clear that XML and JSON need parsing. So if the default action is parsing, there is no need to point out your module is a parser. 20:34
p6steve I would say that there are several (competing) conventions: (i) wrapping a perl5 cpan module or native C lib ?? LibXML is a wrapper of libxml, (ii) closely related modules may share a lib file tree conceptually (I am not sure that this is how they are installed anymore - but orginally in perl5 then you knew that XML::Actions would be in folder something like site/lib/XML, (iii) if you set out to write or 20:43
tellable6 2020-08-07T08:37:00Z #raku-dev <JJMerelo> .tell p6steve you ready to upload your article, or you want me to upload it for you?
hey p6steve, you have a message: gist.github.com/382ec639cdfd2d866d...7c6d881186
p6steve somehow define a "world" of interacting modules (like Cro) then it may not be obvious the best way to define and reuse code in a class structure - but as you work out the design this will become clear (for you) and you can then name the higher levels accordingly
Tirifto Thank you. I guess I may as well just use the language name then, and see if that works alright in practice. :-) 20:49
japhb Tirifto: If you're writing a parser *only*, and not a serializer, then having Parser in the name is reasonable. If you're doing both directions, then the main name shouldn't include it, but it's reasonable to have submodules that do (e.g. DocLang containing DocLang::Parser and DocLang::Writer). 22:28
I tend to use ::Tiny if the *implementation* is minimalist, ::Simple if the *API* is minimalist 22:29
I personally feel that data codecs should be well optimized anyway, so I generally prefer ::Simple over ::Fast if I think both names might apply; as far as the caller is concerned, ::Simple is an API design decision, but ::Fast is baseline. ::Tiny usually means that either the implementation is the smallest thing that could reasonably work at all, or that it's designed to favor small, easy-to-read code over 22:31
any other factor.
JSON::Tiny, for instance, is a showcase for how much of a difference Grammars can make in terms of implementation clarity. 22:32