🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
Xliff Are there any docs for .^can? 09:07
OK, that's the wrong one. What method can I use to determine if a method candidate can accept a given parameter? 09:08
lizmat do you know the candidate ? 09:16
moritz can't you smartmatch between signature and argument list (as a Capture, iirc)? 11:48
gfldex Xliff: this migth help: gfldex.wordpress.com/2021/02/24/pa...-dispatch/ 14:21
Xliff gfldex: Thanks! I did manage to figure out it was .cando I was looking for. 18:08
BTW - Nice article.
Using decomposition to pull out public attributes of a class was a feature I didn't know about. 18:09
gfldex :) 20:40
Geth doc: 7c2310924c | Coke++ | META6.json
Note dependency on Documentable for build
[Coke] is there a way to specify a rakudo (not raku) version in META6.json? 22:11
Apparently there is a restriction on the raku doc build process that pins us at 2022.03 at the moment.