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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
azawawi Hi :) 02:56
tellable6 hey azawawi, you have a message: gist.github.com/e988f9bc95ff033f31...24ee6aa453
azawawi Any idea why my module Godot::Fun is not getting indexed in raku.land? gitlab.com/raku-land/raku-land/-/j...390134#L40 03:00
tonyo jjatria: ^ 04:01
or JRaspass ^
[Coke]___ .tell azawawi raw.githubusercontent.com/azawawi/...META6.json 04:42
tellable6 [Coke]___, I'll pass your message to azawawi
[Coke]___ .tell azawawi raw.githubusercontent.com/azawawi/...META6.json - you are on main, but you've published master 04:43
tellable6 [Coke]___, I'll pass your message to azawawi
xinming releasable6: status 07:10
releasable6 xinming, Next release will happen when it's ready. 2 blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet 07:11
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/e116e6b60b40d29af7...0100b2f028
lizmat Nemokosch: indeed, not intentional, new version uploaded to zef, thanks for the spot! 08:07
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch yey 🥳 08:13
by the way, I think it's time to admit what I was looking for 😅
is there a way to filter modules by release date - especially initial release date? 08:15
The ecosystem module is already a huge step forward from the original Citation Index workflow but I'm very tempted to do it retrospectively 08:16
lizmat hmmm getting a release date more generally, is going to be difficult, as the concept of a release on the p6c ecosystem is vague 08:17
Geth ecosystem/main: 2a8bad835e | (Ahmad M. Zawawi)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Switch to main on Godot::Fun Coke++
Nemokosch lizmat: what about outside of the context of the ecosystem module. Can I, say, just take a git repo and traverse it commit by commit? 08:22
lizmat Nemokosch: I guess you could get the release date from the latest date of the first tar file
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch lizmat: I miss something conceptually. If there is a "first tar file", how come it can have multiple dates? 08:44
lizmat sorry, the tar file of the first release of a distribution may have been created at any time: the original dates are on the file inside the tar file 08:45
then take the highest date of the files in the tar file
datetime/ epoch I mean
Nemokosch okay, gotcha 08:47
do you think it would be useful to build up some data structure that contains these dates for all modules? 08:48
lizmat Yes. but if at all possible, I would like to see that in the context of the REA 08:49
e.g. by adapting the REA meta file by adding a release-date field
I'm already working on being able to introspect the rea using rak 08:50
Nemokosch yes, that would make sense in REA rather than floating in the void...
rir What is a good way to get Str,s: 14:29
m: (my @a = < 01 02 03 >).raku.say
camelia [IntStr.new(1, "01"), IntStr.new(2, "02"), IntStr.new(3, "03")]
Nemokosch Sorry, what do you mean? 14:32
tonyo m: (my @a = q< 01 02 03 >).raku.say 14:37
camelia [" 01 02 03 "]
tonyo m: (my @a = qw<01 02 03>).raku.say
camelia ["01", "02", "03"]
tonyo rir: ^
rir @tonyo, Thanks, I don't think I'd have got there because it seems redundant to me. 14:47
tonyo the IntStr should stringify correctly 14:48
m: <01 02 03>.map(*.chars).raku.say;
camelia (2, 2, 2).Seq
Nemokosch I wouldn't have known there is such a noticeable difference between plain angular brackets and qw 14:50
rir It does, but why have allomorphs when not needed. 14:51
tonyo hmm, that has a problem when i do RAKUDOLIB='Custom#XXX, Custom#YYY' 14:57
rir @tonyo Should I get that in my head as tone-e-o or tone-yo or ... ? 15:10
tonyo heh, my name is tony so both work 15:15
i also get ton-yo a lot
thowe_ Whoever wrote this: rosettacode.org/wiki/Parse_an_IP_Address#Raku My hat is off to you. I have had so much fun getting riled up over this. 17:36
lizmat yeah, interesting use of dynamic variables :-) 17:39
thowe_ I had never heard of such a thing. Took me forever to figure out what <xdigit> was too. I changed it to <:Hex_Digit> in my own example 17:40
Ho hum, just throw a named Unicode type in my regex... as you do... mind blown 17:41
Then I started looking at some of the other language examples... They taste like prison food by comparison. 17:42
lizmat :-) 17:43
dynamic variables are indeed a powerful concept
like $*OUT being the handle for STDOUT 17:46
m: $OUT.say: "hello world"
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$OUT' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this
was intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> <BOL>⏏$OUT.say: "hello world"
lizmat m: $*OUT.say: "hello world"
camelia hello world
lizmat but it is easy to override:
m: class A { method print($) { note "fooled ya" } }; say "here"; { my $*OUT = A; say "hello world" }; say "back again"
camelia here
fooled ya
back again
fooled ya
back again
lizmat a class only needs to provide a "print" method
tonyo i have something very close to working that is similar (and a little less manual) than python's venv for raku, when is the weekly due?
lizmat tonyo: usually on Monday :-) 17:49
tonyo ah, may be enough time 17:58
lizmat weekly: www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ekokgnoqE Markdown to Mathematica converter 18:24
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
thowe_ Is there a Net::Server for Raku ? 21:36
thundergnat thowe_: "Whoever wrote this: rosettacode.org/wiki/Parse_an_IP_Address#Raku My hat is off to you. I have had so much fun getting riled up over this." That would be TimToady, otherwise know as Larry Wall, who does have a certain finesse with Rakuish things. 23:36
Nemokosch :DDD