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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:43 MasterDuke joined 01:03 kylese left 01:04 kylese joined 01:29 skyesoss joined 02:01 kylese left 02:02 kylese joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 03:08 vrurg joined 03:10 vrurg_ left 03:12 vrurg_ joined, vrurg left 05:30 Sgeo left 05:54 CIAvash joined 06:56 thaewrapt left 07:18 CIAvash left 08:08 sena_kun joined 08:12 dakkar joined 08:22 sena_kun left 08:24 sena_kun joined 08:25 sena_kun left 08:28 skyesoss left 09:27 skyesoss joined 09:33 skyesoss left 10:21 nine left, nine joined 10:51 human-blip left, human-blip joined 10:52 rypervenche left, rypervenche joined 11:00 xinming left 11:42 eseyman left 11:43 manu_ joined 11:44 manu_ is now known as eseyman 12:09 MasterDuke left 13:25 GreaseMonkey left 13:26 greaser|q joined 14:15 xabbu42 joined 14:44 xabbu42 left
antononcube In raku.land there are two packages for doing core statistics functions like mean and standard-deviation (sd) . One is called "Stats" the other "Statistics". Both of them have different kinds of deficiencies. 14:44
So, first, I will list those deficiencies and send them to the module authors via GitHub's issues. 14:45
Second, I am 70% sure the authors would not adhere to my demands and I have to implement the core functions myself. 14:46
What is the best option? 1) Picking one of the packages and making PR(s). 2) Making a new package named "Statistics", and using different api tag. 3) Making a new package named "Statistics::Core". 14:48
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[Coke] adding a module with the same name but different API seems like the most... aggressive? I would reach out to the author and see if they'd be amenable to PRs before putting in the effort, but that seems best. new package new name seems middle of the road. 15:24
jdv auth trumps api though so idk bout aggresive:) 15:26
impolite perhaps
[Coke] Right, was just trying to pick a negative 15:27
antononcube Hmm... Right, impolite, maybe... 15:35
That is why I made couple of remarks about preliminary GitHub issues filing and/or submitting PRs.
15:37 itaipu left
That said, the author of "Stats" has not updated since 5 years ago, and has to not responded to my GitHub issue filed 2 years ago. (I use "Stats" in couple of mine packages.) 15:39
[Coke] ... that's a pretty good indication. 15:40
if the license is appropriate, you could fork.
(and the code)
antononcube "Statistics" is an interesting effort, it seems. I cannot install it though. Also, it is too much R-inspired. (And R is horrible.) 15:42
15:46 CIAvash joined
My "problem" is that I do not like short names like "Stats", I prefer "Statistics". On the other hand, I think "Statistics" should be a generic name space, not a particular module or package. (So, actually, I find the author of "Statistics" to be "obnoxious" and "aggressive.") 15:46
@Coke "if the license is appropriate, [...]" -- good point, I did not check the licenses. 15:47
Well, both of them use Artistic-2.0. 15:48
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_grenzo Has anyone considered putting an "abandon" clause in some of the licenses? I.e. What constitutes abandoned modules and what the community can do about them? (not a lawyer... no idea how this could be written or if it's even necessary) 15:56
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antononcube I think those kind of considerations are baked-in in Artistic-2.0. 15:59
_grenzo I've only ever gotten so far into reading it
Chat GPT points out : Key aspects of the Artistic License 2.0 include: 1. Permitted Uses: It allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the licensed software. 2. Distribution of Modified Versions: It requires that modified versions are clearly marked as different from the original and that the changes are documented. 3. No Warranty: It disclaims any warranties, making it clear that 16:08
the software is provided “as is.”
so I guess that answers my question
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antononcube With what temperature did you ChatGPT with? Meaning, do not trust LLMs. 16:57
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_grenzo I didn't adjust temp. I went to the website. 17:20
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antononcube That should have temperature adjustment. Usually, it is set to 0.7, but in order to get robust, correct results for "serious" document queries I use 0.3÷0.4 . 17:24
[Coke] m: say 0.3÷0.4 17:29
camelia 0.75
antononcube @Coke 🙂 ✍️ 17:30
Revised LLM temperature advice: 0.35 ± 0.05 . 17:31
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releasable6: status 17:55
releasable6 antononcube, Next release in ≈30 days and ≈1 hour. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
antononcube, Details: gist.github.com/f19d87102bd9098d37...b7ab079285
18:02 CIAvash left 18:11 sena_kun joined 19:10 skyesoss left
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/29/2024-...drianally/ 19:34
librasteve hi folks - it looks like some of the cro.services docs aree down cro.services/docs/intro/spa-with-cro 19:45
maybe a restart needed?
This page isn’t workingcro.services is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 19:46
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[Coke] coleman, ping. 20:04
antononcube Click on lizmat's post for more these: 20:19
coleman try cro.raku.org 20:25
see here github.com/Raku/infra/issues/51#is...2241757134 20:26
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librasteve hmm - maybe a general internet storm 20:47
antononcube "crostrike outage"? 21:03
Why not, if crowdstrike outage can happen... 21:04
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tbrowder hi, i need to round-trip a utf8-c8 file *starting with slurping it*. the docs give an example of such, but it's not clear to me how to apply it. the example starts with creating and *then* reading. 22:28
the example shows just a few chars, not hundres
*hundreds or thousands. 22:29
ugexe .slurp(:enc<utf-c8>) ?
tbrowder well: .slurp(:enc<utf8-ce>, and the answer is: spurt $new, $old, :enc<utf8-c8>; 23:03
23:04 skyesoss joined
tbrowder thnx for the feedback, i have been typoing ':env' instead of ':enc' 😦 23:05
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