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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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thatonelutenist I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding the relevant part of the docs to find an answer for this one, is there an environment variable I can set to change the location of the ~/.raku directory? 21:27
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Voldenet long story short, it's hardcoded 21:43
> github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...kumod#L540
at least in one place 21:44
thatonelutenist I like how you just linked a location where it actually _isn't_ hard coded lol 21:46
Voldenet HOME is env variable home, but .raku is hardcoded 21:47
while RAKUDO_HIST can be altered, the `.raku` part can't be 21:48
so… this kinda means you can't really change this `.raku` part easily apart from changing HOME, which will obviously work
thatonelutenist That does suck a bit, maybe something for me to work on in the future 21:49
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thatonelutenist all I _really_ want is for project specific ~/.raku/bin and zef site directory, I tend to not install tools globally and make heavy use of direnv for my projects, I like to keep the root of my homedir clean, but it looks like I can at least pull that off with zef's environment variables 21:50
Voldenet yeah, something like $*RAKU_HOME would be nice
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Voldenet for modules there's docs github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...agement.md 22:06
thatonelutenist thank you
I'm currently prototyping some tooling for another language that's not quite done cooking yet in raku, but I've now got another item for the todo list 22:07
Voldenet hah, I knew I've recognized this problem irclogs.raku.org/raku/2023-07-14.html#02:12 22:10
thatonelutenist That'll get me going for now, I'm a nixos user and as a result my programming workflow is a bit, uh, different, and its always a bit extra fun working with languages that are less done baking 22:20
At the end of the day though, having a ~/.raku around even though raku isn't _actually_ installed on my system or user profile is an incredibly minor annoyance 22:25
ugexe you could set $HOME i guess 22:27
i guess that was already alluded to 22:28
thatonelutenist yeah, that is an option, but that would result in other things getting weird with how I have things setup 22:29
I've got a folder for each language I regularly work with in ~/Projects and a .envrc in each that automatically loads up the devshell and sets up the tools for that language to dump their stuff in a subfolder of ~/Project/$language/.env 22:30
my text editor runs outside the devshell and I use a direnv integration plugin to make it aware of this setup
I'm really not sure emacs would the value of $HOME being different for different buffers
*would like 22:31
oh well, when I get through my current project it won't be the first time I'm making modifications to a compiler to make things nicer for people who use weird systems that defy the linux norms 22:32
timo isn't there a zef install --to or --into flag that goes along with RAKUDOLIB=something#/the/path/blabla ? 23:21
probably inst# in front of the path?
ab5tract I think so, but I think Raku also stashes precomps in .raku? 23:22
timo i think where the precomp goes depends on the last entry in the repo chain (or i guess it's the first) 23:24
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