patrickb Any opposition to us moving all the cro repos over from master to main? 13:44
Geth cro-http: c58b09bd2a | (Patrick Böker)++ | Changes
Add two more entries to Changes
cro-http: 4258dec3ec | (Patrick Böker)++ | Changes
Add a few more entries to Changes
lizmat patrickb: I'd welcome that :-) 14:17
any PRs will be re-based automatically on GH afaik
patrickb I think so too. 14:22 < That's a draft of the release announcement. I'd welcome a few eyes. 14:24
patrickb Update with branch update commands: 14:29
lizmat s/structure do decouple/structure to decouple 14:37
I would mention PRs at the end being still mergeable 14:38
perhaps list all of the people who contributed, similar to a rakudo release ? 14:39
patrickb There is a script that generates the biggest part of the announcement, i.e. the actual changes (pulled from the `Changes` files) and contributors (pulled from the git history) This text is only the hand written intro test of the full thing. 14:43
lizmat ack 14:45
patrickb all the branches have been renamed. 14:47
librasteve good 14:55
SmokeMachine: I have now made a new PR to your Cromponent module with the work I have been doing over the past couple of weeks ... sorry this has been so sllow, but I wanted to port over my HTML::Functional searchtable example (which is one of the examples) ... I hope that you will consider this PR favourably to give Cromponent more power to handle both crotmp and direct html generation styles. 14:57
SmokeMachine Hi librasteve. I’m working right now so I’ll need to let it to read it deeply and test it later… but at first look, it seems to be using an old version (0.0.3 and currently it is on 0.0.8 with big changes and fixes…) 15:06
It also seems to be changing indentation on large portion of a file and I didn’t get the RESPOND stuff (but I still didint read that deeply) 15:07
On the current version we have something I suppose could avoid the need o the RESPOND: 15:09
Now I read your description, why not, instead of a new method, don’t we create a trait `is not-using-crotmp` and use the same RENDER method? 15:15
patrickb We still have s/pm6/rakumod/ and s/t/rakutest/ on our plate in all projects. Should we cram this in as well? This will break all PRs (but that will happen whenever we do the rename anyways)... 15:19
Geth cro/main: cd6a9e72e9 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
A last s/t/rakutest/
cro-core/main: fe707391dc | (Patrick Böker)++ | 66 files
Rename pm6/t -> rakumod/rakutest
cro-core/main: df99eac59b | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro/main: 7f3943d7aa | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro-webapp/main: 793588a3cd | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro-http/main: 406b8edb82 | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro-http/main: 84c8a695e3 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 187 files
Rename pm6/t -> rakumod/rakutest
cro-websocket/main: 05376867c9 | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro-websocket/main: df468d0e8f | (Patrick Böker)++ | 60 files
Rename pm6/t -> rakumod/rakutest
cro-tls/main: 6253fec164 | (Patrick Böker)++ | .github/
Extend PR template a bit
cro-tls/main: da29d1684d | (Patrick Böker)++ | 8 files
Rename pm6/t -> rakumod/rakutest
librasteve SmokeMachine: I have closed the PR for now - will try to merge your other commits and then re-request 17:04
SmokeMachine: I like your idea of an is trait on the class ... I am not so happy with trait name of is not-using-crotmp since that may be confusing for a newbie that comes to <<HTML::Functional components>> and does not know about Cro Templates ... lemme see if I can come up with something we can both agree 17:14
SmokeMachine I still think that’s is an easier way to do components with html::functional with out cromponent 17:16
librasteve ok I still think that’s is an easier way to do components with html::functional with out cromponent <=== please can you explain this since there is a a typo in this sentence 17:51
do you mean I should drop trying to PR your Cromponent module and just do something different? 17:52
[which is fine by me since I am spending all my raku tuits on failing to keep up with your code changes] 17:53
patrickb I believe it's finally release time! 22:06
Geth cro/main: 55c0caa5d1 | (Patrick Böker)++ | lib/Cro/Tools/Template/Common.rakumod
Bump docker images to 0.8.10
cro-core/main: 975913243a | (Patrick Böker)++ | META6.json
Bump version to 0.8.10
Geth cro-core/main: cfabfbc8bd | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-http/main: 8f8fd41993 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-tls/main: 2be4b0c173 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-webapp/main: 0175bc491e | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.9.0
cro-websocket/main: 6d5690ffde | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
patrickb 22:54
patrickb The release notes are up for review. Please everyone have a look and approve or tell what to change! 22:54