This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
habere-et-disper Thanks again! 00:00
Nemokosch I'm not sure what to do about it but I can understand that the situation is far from optimal... 00:01 00:08
to be honest, I don't think that justifies the omission of parts that are required for the proclaimed output 00:16
FYI 00:37
Hello, how can I figure out the exact number of significant bits of an Int? 12:50
yabobay ```pl 14:28
my &some = sub {
sub ($thing) {
is there a more proper way to do closures?
Nemokosch Well, why did you wrap it into a function that you execute right away? What is the purpose? 14:33
yabobay in my actual code i make some variables in that anonymous function
that are used by the function inside it
Nemokosch you know... I'd be curious if a simple do block is sufficient 14:38
```perl 14:39
my &some = do {
# Last instruction
sub ($thing) {
yabobay isn't a do block the same thing as {}()? 14:42
Nemokosch > do is equivalent, as in other cases, to surrounding a statement with a parenthesis. It can be used as an alternative with a (possibly more) straightforward syntax. 14:44
well, sounds like that
but that does look better, no? xD
yabobay it does 14:50
i kinda phrased my question wrong
i meant that it being the same thing is what i wanted
> All code objects in Raku are closures, which means they can reference lexical variables from an outer scope.
so I'd assume that you don't even need them to be subroutines, blocks will do
Kaiepi `do`'s like writing `-> { }()` 14:59
should be ok here 15:00
if the block's error prone, maybe exposing a `sub named() { }` would be more appropriate 15:04
then it could be tested
yabobay there's a Inline::Python module which can be used like this: 15:25
use Inline::Python;
my $py =; 15:25
$'print("hello world")');
# Or
say EVAL('1+3', :lang<Python>);
use string:from<Python>;
say string::capwords('foo bar'); # prints "Foo Bar"
and i'm trying to use a constructor from a python class like this:
my $a = translate::Translator(:from_lang('zh'), :to_lang('en'));
which gives me this error:
Could not find symbol '&Translator' in 'translate'
in sub at weirdfortunecookie.raku line 6
in block <unit> at weirdfortunecookie.raku line 29
SystemError: frame does not exist
i guess constructors aren't functions the same way they are in python?
(that's *all* the available documentation about Inline::Python btw)
Nemokosch perhaps it would be better to pretend there is no Inline::Python module 😅 15:29
yabobay is there any better way to use python classes then?
Nemokosch maybe not 15:32
> my $a = translate::Translator(:from_lang('zh'), :to_lang('en')); 15:33
this syntax leaves me clueless, though...
yabobay well, Translator() returns an object 15:34
Nemokosch tbh if there was something I liked about Python is that they ditched this whole :: madness 15:36
yabobay is this even a thing i could possibly do 15:37
Nemokosch As a rule of thumb, I wouldn't put too much effort into it 15:44
yabobay yeah i've just decided to do it the easier but less satisfying way 15:46
or i guess the not at all way: 15:49
Inline::Python can't use pip modules i guess 15:50
Nemokosch for me, the module resolution part worked 15:52
yabobay i've got kind of a weird setup with rootless linuxbrew and both the python and the raku are installed from it 15:53
so maybe that's why it's having problems doing that 15:54
$'import random'); # works
$'import translate'); # doesn't work
Nemokosch no problem for me 15:56
you have installed the module from pip, haven't you
yabobay yea
there's basically no good reason to not just use python for this thing i'm doing tbh. 15:58
but yknow, optimizing for fun or whatever
even if i did install it from pip, what does it matter? i thouhgt that Inline::Python just runs a python on your system 15:59
Nemokosch No clue how it works tbh, probably some bridging business 16:01
yabobay disappointment hour 16:04
Nemokosch Well, for disappointments: it's important to set reasonable expectations. I would have been positively surprised if running Python from within Raku turned out to be swift. Proper linking with C ABI's is respectable enough. 16:06
This might be the most relevant experiment regarding Inline::Python 16:07
yabobay what if i 16:08
called the python code from c
and then called the c code from raku
(that's a joke but also would it be a thing i could do)
lizmat to an extent, that's how Inline::Perl works, afaik 16:09
yabobay does perl5 have a good inline python module? 16:10
lizmat 16:11
by the same author as Inline::Perl5 :-) 16:12
Nemokosch and the same author as Inline::Python for Raku...
it seems to me that nobody believed this importing from Python would actually work 16:15
yabobay ```pl 16:21
use Inline Python => <<'END_OF_PYTHON_CODE';
def test():
return "AAAA"
print test() ~ "\n";
in perl 5,
brings this error:
Couldn't find an appropriate DIRECTORY for Inline to use.
at line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 1.
Nemokosch come on, don't you dare to "upgrade" to Perl 5 from Raku... 😅 16:25
yabobay haha no
i will use perl5's Inline::Python
and then raku's Inline::Perl5
Nemokosch xdddd
yabobay i guess i can't get perl5 help in here though :p 16:26
lizmat It's been 10+ years for me since I did some serious Perl work 16:27
Anton Antonov @lizmat What fraction in the last 10 years did you spent on Raku? What is the second most prominently attended language? 🙂 16:56
lizmat I'd say 95% Raku, 4.99% Javascript and 0.01% Perl 17:07
Anton Antonov Good to know! (Not going to be used against you.) 17:33
Well, I would not...
lizmat the JS work was mostly for the website :-) 18:48
Anton Antonov @lizmat I am considering translating Raku plots into JS plotting libraries. (In order to use certain notebook solutions.) 18:52
yabobay what does :: mean anyway 19:48
habere-et-disper I think it has infinite precision, but you can drill down with a more specific type: 20:17
m: say Int.Range
m: say uint32.Range
camelia -Inf^..^Inf
habere-et-disper m: say uint64.Range
camelia 0..18446744073709551615
Nemokosch symbol lookup or sth like that 20:30
habere-et-disper Should Real have a Range? 20:34
m: say Real.Range
camelia No such method 'Range' for invocant of type 'Real'. Did you mean
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nemokosch for addressing a subroutine, we have &subroutine-name. What do we have for addressing a method? is there nothing better than ^find_method? 21:29
Kaiepi you could put it in `my`/`our` to make it addressable with `&` 21:50
the default scope is `has`
Nemokosch what kind of scope is that?
Kaiepi a weird one
Nemokosch that much I could figure 😄 21:52