🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth DBIish/rbt.use-empty-string: a4ec29123d | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/03-lib-util.t
Don't append Nil to the string

Set the value to "<not set>" within the test description when a library cannot be found.
DBIish/main: 201e98775a | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBIish/CommonTesting.rakumod
Not every error message has a detail function

Print the entire message, but intent every line by 4 spaces.
fa09280 made poor assumptions about the exception class.
DBIish/rbt.use-empty-string: 4da521eade | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/03-lib-util.t
Don't append Nil to the string

Set the value to "<not set>" within the test description when a library cannot be found.
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 24bb06f50e | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly.
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: aed7e69577 | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 1ca29a6e39 | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 5dc6cf54b0 | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/24-mysql-large-value.t
fixup! fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.use-empty-string: 9459a5eac9 | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/03-lib-util.t
Don't append Nil to the string

Set the value to "<not set>" within the test description when a library cannot be found.
Not the cause of the problems in #234 but it adds unnecessary noise.
DBIish/main: 9459a5eac9 | (Rod Taylor)++ | t/03-lib-util.t
Don't append Nil to the string

Set the value to "<not set>" within the test description when a library cannot be found.
Not the cause of the problems in #234 but it adds unnecessary noise.
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 87ef7fa75d | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! fixup! fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 67549a9a99 | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! fixup! fixup! fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
Geth DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: a43d939d8d | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly.
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: e63ea7770e | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: e63ea7770e | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! Allow for very large Integers
Geth rakudo: 2colours++ created pull request #5107:
Add words method to Allomorph
rakudo: 59a3485387 | (Márton Polgár)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/allomorphs.pm6
Add words method to Allomorph (#5107)

This fixes the presumption that .words is like .comb(/ \S+ /).
lizmat Nemokosch: I think it's time to do a PR to add yourself to github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/master/CREDITS :-) 09:54
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Nemokosch Oh hi 🙂 10:11
This chat looks cool haha 10:13
Geth DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: ab4c1b16f5 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: d8925105b0 | (Rod Taylor)++ | lib/DBDish/mysql/StatementHandle.rakumod
fixup! fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: faa9fa9702 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
fixup! fixup! fixup! fixup! Allow for very large Integers
Geth DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 45b38497d8 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly.
Geth DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 26bac78b8d | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
fixup! Allow for very large Integers
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 9c84a6945e | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly.
DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 8d30d3eb98 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly. We could try uint64 or int128 for handling some larger values, but very very large values will still need to be treated as a string. Since the vast majority of integer values tend to be small, just treat anything outside int64 as a string.
Fixes #233
Geth DBIish/rbt.mysql-large-numbers: 642c062376 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly. We could try uint64 or int128 for handling some larger values, but very very large values will still need to be treated as a string. Since the vast majority of integer values tend to be small, just treat anything outside int64 as a string.
Fixes #233
DBIish/main: 642c062376 | (Rod Taylor)++ | 2 files
Allow for very large Integers

Values over 2^63 were not handled correctly. We could try uint64 or int128 for handling some larger values, but very very large values will still need to be treated as a string. Since the vast majority of integer values tend to be small, just treat anything outside int64 as a string.
Fixes #233
Geth rakudo/rakuast: 6 commits pushed by (Vadim Belman)++ 21:38
rakudo/rakuast: 2247a98b8d | (Vadim Belman)++ | src/Raku/ast/expressions.rakumod
Remove a leftover QAST::Stmts

It was part of a previous experimental implementation.
Nemokosch Hello, how much is this github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/raku.../README.md up to date? 21:50