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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ugexe Inline::Perl5 probably 00:24
Nemokosch Do you think it's worth porting? 00:33
ugexe it would require porting OLE:: modules to interface with word files, which itself would be worth while 00:35
Nemokosch Jeff Goff had such a module 00:37
raku.land/cpan:JGOFF/OLE::Storage_Lite 00:39
kybr hello! its been a while. i am writing some Raku again. fun. 03:50
m: given <1 2> { for .words { .^name.say; .say; .Numeric.say } }
camelia Str
kybr that's what i expect
m: given <3> { for .words { .^name.say; .say; .Numeric.say } }
camelia IntStr
kybr this is unexpected.
can someone tell me why .Numeric.say gives me a 0 in the second case? 03:52
m: given <3> { for .comb(/ \S+ /) { .^name.say; .say; .Numeric.say } } 04:14
camelia Str
jdv anyone know if this is a bug in whateverable or rakudo?: gist.github.com/jdv/30b6102a575de7...a9d9f557b6 04:41
Nemokosch kybr: first off, I'd say your code is a bad idea - <1 2> is a list and <3> is an IntStr, especially for the former, you have no reason to call .words on it and it's sheer luck that it worked 09:01
second, you can be right regardless that calling words on IntStr gives a weird result. I think it's Str.words that gets called and probably it simply wasn't ready to support an IntStr 09:02
I wouldn't be surprised if this was a general semantics problem of allomorph types - once you start to use it as a certain one of its supported types, you are gonna lose a lot of information required for other types 09:04
the reason comb works right is probably that it has a method on Allomorph that takes precedence over the method on Str 09:11
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5107 there you go 09:21
ToddAndMargo What am I doing wrong here?    `$Win64Bit =Q["C:\Program Files (x86)"].IO.d.Boo`; gives me 20:40
K:\Windows\NtUtil>raku PopUpTest2.pl6
Failed to find 'K:\Windows\NtUtil\"C:\Program Files (x86)"' while trying to do '.d'
How did `Q["C:\Program Files (x86)"]` turn into `K:\Windows\NtUtil\"C:\Program Files (x86)"`?  Why is it appending my current working directory into the path? 20:41
I figured it out.  It does not like the path quoted 20:42
[Coke] Q[ is already quoted 22:13
" is a literal quote at that poiny
ToddAndMargo I put the quotes in by accident as I have been having to constantly do it from the windows command line.  Why did the quote prepend the current working directory? 22:26
[Coke] because you gaved it a relative path 22:30
it couldn't recognize literal double quote as an absoulte path
ToddAndMargo That explains it .  Thank you! 23:06
ToddAndMargo Native Call question. I have a Pointer.  It points to a structure of $p bytes.  How do I read that into a Buf of $p bytes? 23:27