This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
a12l Thanks @nahita3882! Have I understood it correct that the only difference between rx { ... } and m { ... } is that you can't manually apply the ~~ operator on the later because it already automatically does $_ ~~ on it? 08:55
This is my solution to the Bob exercise on Exercism [0]. It currently passes all tests. Do you have any suggestions for improvement? The first thing I would do is to move the regexes out to some form of routine, enabling me to call it when checking the conditions. [0] raku unit role Bob; method hey () { given self.trim { when .ends-with: "?" { 12:29
when m:global{<alpha>} && m:global{ <alpha>+ } eq m:global{ <upper>+ } { "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" } default { "Sure." } } when m:global{<alpha>} && m:global{ <alpha>+ } eq m:global{ <upper>+ } { "Whoa, chill out!" } when "" { "Fine. Be that way!" } default { "Whatever." } } }
wambash You could use > my subset Question where *.ends-with: '?'; and then > when Question { 13:42
a12l Thanks for the tip! raku unit role Bob; method hey () { my subset Shouting of Str where m:global{<alpha>} && m:global{ <alpha>+ } eq m:global{ <upper>+ }; given trim self { when .ends-with: "?" { when Shouting { "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" } default { "Sure." } } when Shouting { "Whoa, chill out!" } when "" { "Fine. Be that way!" } 14:17
default { "Whatever." } } }