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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
lizmat This morning starts with bad news: long time Perl "test smoking" contributor Abel Timmerman (abeltje) has passed away after a long fight with cancer 08:11
some of you may know him from several Perl Toolchain summits and many YAPC::EU conferences
RIP abeltje, it was always fun having you around! 08:12
sjn yeah, he'll be missed. it was nice to see him a last time at PTS in Lisbon 11:21
[Coke] RIP, Abel. 12:17
Geth rakudo/main: ebfd4dad89 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: fix smart matching against fake signatures

Smart match on fake signatures uses dispatch machinery to determine whether a call to the signature's associated code block would succeed. Thus the signature requires a code block in order for smart match to work as intended. Create such a code block when creating the FakeSignature node.
Fixes: {a => 1} ~~ :(Int :$a)
nine Yet another spec test file passing