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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
gfldex tbrowder: The best way to stop users of your code in general is by good documentation. You can never stop them from using the MOP or decending into NQP-land to mess with your stuff. 11:21
tbrowder: If I see `is implementation-detail` I know what not to do. :-> 11:23
tbrowder yes, i know, i'm just trying to avoid regular users causing trbl 11:37
tbrowder hm, "is implementaion-detail" a real trait? have to check docs...yes, thnx, that looks a good thing which i obviously have never used! 12:48
i will use that trait if i can figure out exactly where to use it. 12:52
gfldex: thanks!
stiil fighting with my own code... 12:53
[Coke] I think it was intended for compilers to say "don't assume this this official", but I guess it could be extended for user-written code, aye. 12:56
tbrowder maybe use both... 13:18
[Coke] "that this is" 14:00
jaguart my raku is from nxadm:rakudo-pkg (thank you!) - when installing raku site modules, should I be 'sudo zef -I' or 'sudo zef-as-root' etc? 14:34
or something completely different?
and is raku and zef installation recommends (eg paths permissions etc) written up in a blog anywhere? 14:40
jaguart oh - I've found this: nxadm.github.io/rakudo-pkg/docs/zef.html - which implies that the norm is in the home folder of a user 15:14
librasteve jaguart: I use rakubrew.org - that has the benefit, like pyenv, of managing multiple versions - typically each version has it own zef install (that's a user account install too, afaict) 15:32
El_Che jaguart: yes, that's how I understand zef/raku flow. But this could be indeed be clarified buy raku (steering) 15:46
jaguart yeah - it's hard to debug on the filesystem because the compunits are not identifiable by their filenames 16:16
jaguart there is also some magic around groups I think - my user is a member of raku-zef - and I think this means I install to site by default 16:21
at least if I ``zef install Readline`` I had permission problems on these folders until I chmod g+s on the site folder 16:22
jaguart I'd be interested if anyone running Raku for devops in Linux production has pointers for install, permissions, keeping modules up-to-date, installing modules etc (site vs user) 16:56
jaguart or if you containerise everything etc, then your container build and update processes 16:57
Did you all watch the Damian on perl multi methods and cleaning up smartmatch? 17:04
antononcube Perl, 🤮🤮🤮 17:41
scullucs You realize there would be no Raku if not for Perl, right? 17:43
antononcube @lucs Yes, long time ago. (And it is pretty obvious, anyway...) 17:44
What is interesting, is that the more I use Raku, the less I can tolerate Perl. 17:45
scullucs I used to work with Perl a lot in the past. I'm really glad "Perl 6" found its way. I couldn't use Perl anymore. Raku fixed so many of its problems and introduced so many fantastic features. 17:48
_grenzo So, hypothetically, if I had access to a time machine and wanted to take raku back in time and "gift" it to the perl community just after the coffe-cup incident what all should be included and how do we give proper attribution to the developers? 18:02
antononcube @_grenzo (LLM generated response to your question.) 18:32
[Coke] (attribution) - we answered that question at the time for the Christmas (Koleda) release. 18:46
tbrowder pls remind me of the coffee-cup incident 19:22
antononcube @tbrowder I asked LLM that, and it started applogizing for using a "generic phrase." 19:24
tbrowder not surprised... 19:30
_grenzo www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.packr.../msg3.html 20:00
I was at the conference (not in the meeting) 20:11
scullucs Hey, me too. Wish I'd seen it happen. 20:27
[Coke] web.archive.org/web/20160327034915..._9705.html 20:31
(not actual photo from event, pretty sure) 20:32
antononcube Obviously those artistic rendition of that event are too faithful to what happend: 20:34
At least the participants look right! 20:35
_grenzo Is that milk coming from the cups? 🙂 I don't remember Jon's beard, but we'll go with it. 20:37
In fact I think the first image should be canonical. 20:39
antononcube Well, I gave DALL-E the description you the mail message you linked to. But DALL-E tends to make its images too "crowded", so they look AI-generated. 20:41
librasteve lol - i count them 14 round the table - very biblical 22:27
At first watch I was somewhere between confused (how can a person do all those air miles and not be ashamed) and betrayed (this guy is my hero - he practically made perl6/raku - and now he is busy bringing given / when to perl and undermining the raku project 22:34
some irate comments here ensued
On second watch, I realised that Damian had been ambushed by some decision in the perl community to drop given/when from perl only a couple of versions after agreeing to include it - and this was Damian’s way to keep the idea alive and to refine it with a more constrained set of smartmatch variants. 22:37
All in all a sad spectacle - my takeaway is that perl is even deader than i thought - hopefully some perl folks will give raku a second look since we have had these goodies all along - and Damian will work from home and apply the improvement to a coming iteration of raku 22:39
Xliff I'm trying to port some javascript to raku and I've encounteded a weird expression. " let isWindow = !!source.metaWindow;" 23:51
What does the !! mean?
ab5tract librasteve: at first watch of what, may I ask?
Xliff: at a glance my guess is that it’s similar to how it works in Perl 23:53
Xliff And how does it work in Perl?
ab5tract By negating the negation you can avoid some issues around nullity 23:54
Xliff Aw crap.
ab5tract the full form in Perl is 0+!!($thing)
Xliff I didn't think it was going to be that easy.
So.... .so.not
Or just .so? 23:55
ab5tract It’s called the key of truth in perlsecret
The same as .so / so / ? 23:56
Xliff ab5stract++ 23:57