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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
suman pastebin.com/jJFY1kVv 04:15
how to make second function work 04:16
moritz the error is clearly that cannot map both char* and char to Str 06:32
moritz that said, I don't know how to map char to a raku type, maybe just map it as an uint8 and pass in .ord of the character? 06:33
JJMerelo releasable6: status 07:39
releasable6 JJMerelo, Next release in ≈1 day and ≈11 hours. 1 blocker. 143 out of 300 commits logged (⚠ 4 warnings)
JJMerelo, Details: gist.github.com/29cb2443a2b8f01e55...0c5fd65d04
Geth doc: 023c7de49c | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Rearranges the description of dynamic for Scalar and Array.
doc: 6d747d7db7 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Array.pod6
Documenting List and how it treats holes, refs #2632
doc: 587622d6d7 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Array.pod6
Documenting Array.Slip and how it treats holes, refs #2632
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Array
linkable6 DOC#2632 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2632 [Hacktoberfest][RFE][big][docs][good first issue][help wanted][new][⚠ Top Priority ⚠] Checklist for 6.d
Geth doc: gfldex++ created pull request #3486:
show that roles are objects
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Font::FreeType (0.3.0) by 03WARRINGD 17:33
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! PDF::Font::Loader (0.3.0) by 03WARRINGD 17:41
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! DBIish::Pool (1.0.0) by 03RBT 18:34
Xliff jnthn: Any thoughts on my latest discovery on #3756 19:03
[Coke] wonders why that didn't link 19:08
Xliff #3756
linkable6 R#3756 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3756 cglobal does not seen to return the proper values for a global symbol
[Coke] took me a second to realize that was C and not Raku code. :) 19:09
Xliff :)
Manifest0 i have a promise inside a react block and then when i do "$promise.then: -> $v {done}". The code hangs, no error. Is it normal? 19:40
Manifest0 Example: paste.opensuse.org/42328239. The last "say" never runs 19:40
sena_kun Manifest0, react is blocking. 19:59
Manifest0 i'm not understanding. Is blocking what? 20:00
sena_kun Give me a moment or two. 20:01
timotimo haven't looked at the code, but you probably want whenever $promise { done } rather than using .then 20:05
sena_kun Manifest0, are you sure the socket receives the line you send in the first place?
Manifest0 sena_kun: yes 20:07
timotimo: i want to execute the code when the promise is kept. 20:09
sena_kun Whenever on promise runs when it is kept and you can avoid `then`. 20:10
Manifest0 nice :-) 20:15
Just checked the documentation, and there's only a note in the methods "in" and "at" on the promise class
Also there's no mention about it in the Concurrency page (promise section). 20:17
timotimo whenever 20:18
The whenever keyword can be used in supply blocks or in react blocks. From the 6.d version, it needs to be used within the lexical scope of them. It introduces a block of code that will be run when prompted by an asynchronous event that it specifies - that could be a Supply, a Channel, a Promise or an Iterable.
so we should add a forward reference from Promise to whenever perhaps? 20:20
[Coke] +1 20:22
Manifest0 Now it works :-) 20:24
Super XD 20:25
vrurg One more Raku talk from me is accepted for TPRCiC: tpc20cic.sched.com/event/cmGw/lock...ng-in-raku 20:27
jnthn ooh, I should watch that 20:29
vrurg jnthn: I don't think you'll find much new there. It's more like cas+Promise for beginners. 20:30
MasterDuke lwn.net/Articles/818129/ and lwn.net/Articles/816922/ have some interesting information about python proposals. their ideas about how to do something like `:$foo` and a new PEG parser proposed for CPython respectively 20:35
mst n/w 502 21:44