🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
jaguart topic 00:43
vrurg .tell patrickb I nailed down one more problem about dynamic libraries and rakubrew and it's rather important: github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/issue...1045727598 04:27
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to patrickb
guifa is there any way to produce an NQPMatch instead of a Match? 06:48
I tried a new slang technique, but it seems like Match and NQPMatch are just enough different to cause problems 06:49
nine guifa: maybe you should postpone your slang experiments and help with finishing RakuAST instead? :) 08:51
Geth ecosystem: 73cde4ac61 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove modules now living in zef ecosystem

Marpa, XML::Query, XML::Canonical, IO::Notification::Recursive
ecosystem: c6762b2f10 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Freez Math::Trig

While we're moving it to the zef ecosystem
Geth ecosystem: 513c825f6f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Freeze HexDump::Tiny

While we're moving it to the zef ecosystem
leont How quickly should dists show up in recent distributions? 15:36
lizmat leont depends on where they are uploaded 15:54
zef almost immmediately, p6c and cpan up to 4 hours 15:55
rea about an hour
japhb rea? 16:06
Oh, right, the backpan
lizmat Raku Ecosystem Archive
fg 16:07
fg 16:08
leont Now it's showing up on raku.land but when using zef 16:11
MasterDuke did you run `zef update`? 16:48
leont Probably should move to zef ecosystem, but hadn't really looked at that yet 16:55
guifa nine: I'm not opposed to that at all. I just don't really understand the compile process itself well enough to be of much use. If someone could walk me through the process for making one of the nodes, maybe I can be of more use there. I just feel bad asking for someone to basically give me a deep dive tutorial 17:17
lizmat guifa: I did give a presentation about just that at FOSDEM :-) 17:25
guifa lizmat wait did you? I thought yours was on BackPAN ? 17:37
lizmat maybe I'm misunderstanding? 17:52
I thought your question was wrt moving to zef and how the ecosystems interlock ? 17:53
guifa lizmat no... I mean, I want to help out with RakuAST 18:31
node = RakuAST::Node
lizmat aaah... ok... right
ok... yes, that would be excellent :-) 18:32
and I did *not* give a presentation about that on FOSDEM :-)
guifa Like, i get how the RakuAST nodes piece together, but it's converting them to work with Rakudo (which it seems like just converts RakuAST nodes to QAST nodes, but I know there's not a 1:1 correlation there, and there's a lot of other stuff that goes on). 18:33
lizmat fwiw, I'm not 100% clear on that either, and I think that part is also not 100% clear in jnthn's mind :-) 18:35
the goal is to eliminate World.nqp
that much I know
so somehow all of the functionality in there, will need to be "objectified" in such a way that it can all live in RakuAST nodes
is my understanding :-)
guifa yeah, so … I dunno what I can do to help out with RakuAST other than try to break it hahahahahaha. But I'd be absolutely willing to help out if I know what to do 18:36
lizmat writing tests is something that I've run behind on 18:37
so if you could pick that up, that would be brill
it's in a way trying to break it :-)
guifa ah okay. That I can do. Those test cases were actually amazing for me figuring out how to do RakuAST 18:38
and I saw a few areas where I felt like I could add some stuff
lizmat yeah, so please do! :-) 18:39
guifa (and, I think, a few where things changed because jnhtn switched from single positional to multi named args)
lizmat you're probably way into it more than I was :-
guifa on a slightly unrelated note… crazy thing with my slang work is I've now found about four different ways for one grammar to embed into another. I should probably mention all four of them in the problem-solving post. They're all quite similar and feel like TIMTOWTDI overkill 18:41
<.LANG(Grammar)>, <nibble: …>, <Grammar::TOP>, method foo { return Grammar.subparse } 18:43
oh, and :lang(foo) but I think that ended up as NYI from design docs