🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
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timo | i might already be above 10k unread notifications on github, i have zero chance of noticing anything | 00:14 | |
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guifa | timo: o.O | 00:42 | |
tonyo | yea, they're next to impossible to filter for relevance | 00:46 | |
antononcube | I guess, they should be clustered first. | 00:55 | |
timo | well, they are. it's not enough, i just end up with very few clusters of very many notifications that i can in theory probably all just dismiss immediately, but then it's hundreds of rather small clusters that are an amount of work each to dismiss | 01:02 | |
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antononcube | Are those automatically generated messages or human-made / sent/ | 01:41 | |
tonyo | kind of a combination, work has a couple of hundred repos. i do too (not all of them are public) | 01:50 | |
if i could only get them when mentioned or when i'm the code owner rather than every ci/cd/issue comment on the repo/etc that'd be nice. i'm sure there's a way to do that at this point but i haven't looked in years. i also don't read my email for a similar reason | 01:51 | ||
antononcube | I am looking for motivation to implement (another) recommender system. | 02:30 | |
That probably, has to be anyway if I want LLM-RAG to be more seriously supported by Raku. | 02:31 | ||
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sjn | El_Che: are you going to FOSDEM? | 04:38 | |
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tbrowder | [Coke]: not | 11:59 | |
*thanks, i was thinking about it 'cause of lizmat and 'stem' | |||
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tbrowder | hm, File::Temp, which i use a fair amount, has an issue opened in 2020. rpt is one who commented. some raku and os expert i bet could close that (hint). | 12:13 | |
the issue doesn't bother me because i don't do stuff the issue addresses. | 12:14 | ||
lizmat | are you talking about the raku community modules version ? | 12:15 | |
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El_Che | sjn: I don't know yet. Are you? | 13:23 | |
lizmat | I think sjn said he's going yesterday :-) | 13:27 | |
El_Che | missed it :) | 13:35 | |
lizmat: are you? | |||
lizmat | no | 13:36 | |
weekly: dev.to/lizmat/finding-the-coverables-3l13 | |||
notable6 | lizmat, Noted! (weekly) | ||
sjn | El_Che: yeah, I'll be there helping a little with the booth, and running between policy and sbom devrooms, talking about metadata, security and the CRA :-o | 15:24 | |
El_Che: We (Brian, Stuart and I) have been looking for someone local to help with logistics. I know you always are busy, but do you by chance have time this year? :-) | 15:26 | ||
El_Che | I am at the moment changing teams and looking what to do with my on the side academic endeavours (writing a presentation as we speak for a meeting with some profs from abroad) | 16:02 | |
so, not very likely, but I'll ping you if time opens up | 16:03 | ||
sjn | El_Che: nah, we'd need a committment early; we're thinking about renting a screen (large, with floor stand), and need someone to pick up/store/return. This isn't something we can do "at the last minute", and without knowing if someone can be there with a car, we can't even proceed with budgeting or reservations, sadly :-( | 17:35 | |
so no worries; if you don't know you can now, then you can't at all. | 17:36 | ||
El_Che: do you know of someone else local that might be able to help? | |||
I've pinged Dirk and ecocode, but that hasn't lead anywhere (no commitment/no reply) | 17:37 | ||
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El_Che | sjn: have you tried serge and emmanuel (both are from Brussels) | 18:04 | |
[Coke] | there's no way to declare modules required for author tests, correct? (test-depends are for items that would be needed for just t/ tests) | 18:31 | |
sjn | El_Che: no, I don't have their info | 18:36 | |
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lizmat | [Coke]: that's my understanding | 19:06 | |
perhaps we need an "author-test-depends" tag in META6.json | |||
lucs | [Coke]: What do you mean by "author tests"? | 19:13 | |
lizmat | tests run in the xt dir | ||
lucs | Oh. Um, I never used that, don't really know about it. | 19:14 | |
[Coke] | tests that you don't want the user to run, like "how is my code coverage" - you'd run these before pushing a release, but no need for a user to run them to test functionality | 19:15 | |
lucs | Ah, I see. | ||
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[Coke] | or, like for raku/docs - things that break CI should be in t/, things that are less strict can go in xt/ | 19:43 | |
tbrowder | lizmat: yes, the comm version | 19:45 | |
*community version | 19:47 | ||
[Coke]: mi6 may let you get away with not dec | 19:48 | ||
*declaring a module used only in xt | |||
lizmat | it does, and that's the whole point | 19:50 | |
tbrowder | i guess i missed the point. | 19:53 | |
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lizmat | test in xt could need any number of modules, but those wouldn't need to be installed for users of that module | 19:55 | |
tbrowder | yes, but if they're not delared in META6.json, which complains: zef, raku, or mi6? | 20:21 | |
ugexe | there are going to be some dependencies that just dont belong in a META6.json. For instance if someone has an examples/ folder that demonstrates using the module but it also has a bunch of dependencies, should those be listed somewhere? those dependencies aren't really tied to the distribution per-se, they are tied to a specific use of the code | 20:23 | |
tbrowder | [Coke]: what is yr specific use case? | 20:24 | |
for odd stuff i sometimes use a Makefile, or a special test dir like "xt-extra"... | 20:26 | ||
ugexe | I think if I wanted to immediately have a way of having my xt/ dependencies listed somewhere I'd probably put them into a text file under xt/ with instructions to do something like `echo xt/dependencies.txt | zef install -` | ||
tbrowder | hm, i thought we wanted to avoid having to formally declare dependencies? | 20:29 | |
lizmat | I think ugexe meant only the top level ones | 20:30 | |
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tbrowder | ok | 21:05 | |
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tbrowder | m: use Test; my $f = True; ok $f | 21:58 | |
camelia | ok 1 - | ||
tbrowder | m: use Test; sub f(--> Bool) { False}; ok f | 22:01 | |
camelia | not ok 1 - # Failed test at <tmp> line 1 |
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patrickb | ugexe: The fruit of my recent ecosystem generation wishes: sr.ht/~patrickb/EcosystemMakerFaker/ (should show up on raku.land momentarily) | 23:01 | |
It's pretty epic zef enables one to do such a thing. Thank you! | |||
antononcube | @patrickb Fake Zef news sounds good. Maybe, fake RakodoWeekly is next. | 23:21 | |
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