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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
gdonald and none of the meta- runtime parts 00:15
guifa2 jnthn: comma's 2020.02.0 mac release is 404'ing 01:52
Geth doc: 8c95ccd36c | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Mu.pod6
Fix link
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Mu
epray [Global Notice] Hello, freenode will be undergoing maintenance 3 hours from now. Please disconnect from this network, connect to irc.quakenet.org, and join #Quakenet for updates, otherwise, you may be k-lined permanently from freenode. Thank you. -freenode staff 08:04
Smoacheodr [Global Notice] Hello, freenode will be undergoing maintenance 3 hours from now. Please disconnect from this network, connect to irc.quakenet.org, and join #Quakenet for updates, otherwise, you may be k-lined permanently from freenode. Thank you. -freenode staff 08:08
Doc_Holliwood m: Nil.bababoop 08:43
Doc_Holliwood m: Any.bababoop
evalable6 (exit code 1) No such method 'bababoop' for invocant of type 'Any'
in block <unit> at /tmp/eCdA8keKCn line 1
Doc_Holliwood I see!
Doc_Holliwood weekly: stackoverflow.com/questions/454757...8#60503758 09:19
notable6 Doc_Holliwood, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2020/03/02/2020-...ubenreuth/ 09:32
tellable6 2020-03-03T01:01:26Z #raku-dev <Xliff> lizmat If I did, it would not be parallel. I have not come up with a proper strategy for the latest precompile fixes that you and nine addressed.
2020-03-03T01:04:14Z #raku-dev <Xliff> lizmat Was 2020.02-51-gb6851c3e7 the 2020.02 release?
2020-03-03T01:44:19Z #raku-dev <Xliff> lizmat Compile times for p6-GLib on 2020.02 release: github.com/Xliff/p6-GLib/blob/71b3...s-20200302 -- a 20 second ␝reduction␝ from 2020.02-51-gb6851c3e7
lizmat not clear to me now if things got better or worse :-( 09:38
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Trait::Env (1.1.0) by 03SCIMON 10:16
El_Che lo 10:35
nine has entered the train 10:40
tellable6 2020-03-03T01:02:05Z #raku-dev <Xliff> nine I will have to investigate those, but I ␝am␝ glad you addressed that issue. It may take me a free weekend, and I'll try and free one up this month.
Altreus lizmat: were my suggestions helpful? :D github.com/lizmat/ObjectCache/issues 11:38
Altreus Um, is //= not assign-if-undefined? 12:15
(it's not documented in docs.raku.org/language/operators)
(But combined operators might be but I couldn't find that quickly) 12:16
nine it is
Altreus then I have made a mistake elsewhere :)
Altreus ah right, I defined it with a TODO :D 12:24
lizmat defined what with a TODO ? 12:26
Altreus I put #TODO and then gave the stuff a defined value 12:51
i.e. True
so later my //= just returned True
Altreus Why does True have a capital letter and therefore looks like a type object instead of a value? 13:00
Are there any other built-in defined values that look like type objects? Besides False 13:01
Altai-man_ Altreus, isn't because it is an enum value? 13:01
Altreus Just seems everything else with a capital letter is undefined 13:02
I don't think enum values necessarily demand a capital letter do they?
Seems like a constant to me, so it should really be TRUE
Altai-man_ Not like they demand one, but it is a style preference.
Altai-man_ I honestly feel we have lots of other issues compared to True being not TRUE or true. `true` subjectively reads worse to me and stands out less than `True`, `TRUE` is just bad. 13:03
Altreus Yeah ... just crossed my mind is all 13:04
Cos I replaced True with Any
Altai-man_ Maybe there are deeper reasons, though.
Altreus And went, hang on
pmurias got an offer from Google today, will move to Warsaw 14:10
Altreus cor 14:11
from where?
El_Che pmurias: congrats 14:20
pmurias Altreus: currently living in Poznań 14:23
El_Che pmurias: may I ask what you'll do there? 14:24
Altreus gotta love those languages that put accents on consonants :D
El_Che pmurias: I support JS releated?
pmurias El_Che: frontend stuff on google data catalog 14:34
El_Che pmurias: if your Google overlords would send you to goconf+devops cloudein in Berling ping me so I can say hi :) 14:35
pmurias El_Che: don't think I'll be doing anything go or devops related so it might be a hard sell to convince them to send me 14:37
El_Che you never know :) 14:39
pmurias El_Che: the data catalog is a thing to tag and find you database table if you have a bazillion of those in a huge company, not something that I had any use of myself thus far but should be resonably fun to work on 14:45
Altreus > Elizabeth Mattijsen optimized some aspects of pre-compilation and made it easier to coerce a string to Date / DateTime 15:19
Is this from my question the other day?
specifically the coercion bit
Geth doc: 27ba2bf145 | Coke++ | xt/code.pws
use lowercase
doc: 2ae193662b | Coke++ | xt/code.pws
new words
stoned75 commit: releases { return; CATCH { default { $*ERR.say: .^name, ': ', .Str } } } 21:20
committable6 stoned75, ¦releases (42 commits): «X::ControlFlow::Return: Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤» 21:21
leont I encountered this line in a piece of code, and it looked wrong to me 22:13
my $type = Any ~~ $var.var.WHAT ?? Any !! $var.var.WHAT;
Wouldn't that be equal to $type = $var.var.WHAT?
Grinnz I wasn't paying attention to the channel I switched to, and thought leont was just yelling about something 22:14
leont Heheh 22:15
leont I think the meme for yelling that would be WAT, not WHAT ;-) 22:18
MasterDuke leont: maybe not. ~~ isn't commutative 22:30
leont Actually, it seems it isn't identical for Mu, but I doubt that was the intention there 22:32
lizmat foo ~~ bar is the same as bar.ACCEPTS(foo) 22:45
leont Yeab, which is why that line surprised me 22:47
In general I would expect that $var to be on the left hand side.
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Net::SMTP::Client::Async (0.0.1) by 03HANENKAMP 23:04
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Sparrow6 (0.0.14) by 03MELEZHIK 23:47