🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
codesections can anyone explain this little boolean riddle? 01:42
m: say ?Any; say Any && False
camelia False
codesections er, that's not what I meant 01:43
nevermind, I took something out of context. Specifically, out of the boolean context I thought it was in 01:45
[Coke] .seen dwarring 02:02
tellable6 [Coke], I saw dwarring 2021-08-30T01:29:34Z in #raku: <dwarring> @pisa not sure
[Coke] .ask dwarring can you golf gist.github.com/coke/1941961de1897...4ffee7b61? It's the last blocker to merge new-disp branch on rakudo, and there is a LOT going on under the hood there. 02:03
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to dwarring
very hello `combinations` function has `$of` parameter but `permutations` doesn't. How can I find (n, k) permutations? I couldn't install Math::Libsgl::Permutation on windows 08:20
dakkar very: I'm pretty sure that you're looking for something different that `permutations` 08:21
"permutations" are (more or less) the different ways of ordering elements in a list
m:(1..3).permutations.say 08:22
very dakkar: Python has itertools.permutations I'm looking for the same thing
evalable6 ((1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
very docs.python.org/3/library/itertool...rmutations
it has an `r` parameter 08:23
dakkar uh… that's a strange name for a thing that is *not* generating permutations
moon-child ^
cnx iirc in the nPr notation P stands for permutation
moon-child looks like it's effectively x.cominations($of)).map(&permutations) 08:24
cnx: or 'pick' (where nCr is 'choose') 08:25
cnx well i could be wrong
very moon-child thanks for it, then I go for `@a.combinations($of).map(*.permutations.Slip).sort` 08:28
dakkar aah, I was trying to figure out that `.Slip`
very which seems more inefficient than a built-in `permuations($of)` but I guess there are reasons for not including it 08:29
dakkar very: it would perform exactly the same operations… built-ins are not always magical ☺ 08:31
very but faster, I meant 08:32
dakkar not necessarily
very okay then
but there is sort at the end?
direct implementation wouldn't have that I believe 08:33
lizmat if a builtin is not the fastest, it needs to be fixed :-)
moon-child recently on a trivial benchmark (file reading) raku was 10x faster than common lisp. Was because the cl implementation was doing something stupid, but still nice to see! 08:36
then again, dispatch in raku is still 100x slower than cl. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
moritz does CL do multi dispatch? 09:29
moon-child yes
thought not with arbitrary predicates 09:30
Nemokosch CL is kinda famous for multi dispatch, isn't it 09:48
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2021/09/27/2021-...ming-haku/ 09:50
whaaat is anyone here who can help me get started? 13:43
[Coke] do you have a copy of raku yet? 13:44
clarkema #freebsd 13:45
sorry, mis-typed command
whaaat no 14:00
cnx what OS are you on
whaaat windows 10 14:01
[Coke] You can build your own if adventurous, or there's an installer availale at rakudo.org/downloads 14:03
whaaat ok 14:04
Anton Antonov "do you have a copy of raku yet?" -- Great "first time user" question !!! 14:54
[Coke] ... is it too early for Halloween yard decorations? asking for a friend. 14:56
jdv my wife says no
perryprog yes 14:57
literally not even October smh
jdv october starts this week so i'd side with her
Nemokosch one months still seems a lot though 14:58
one month still seems a lot though
El_Che it's always too early for Halloween decorations 15:00
jdv looks like new-disp is about 5% slower on startup and 30% slower on core setting parse for me 15:07
uh, that's backwards
i meant 5% on parse and 30% on startup 15:08
Nemokosch what's new-disp? 15:10
[Coke] new branch of rakudo/nqp/MoarVM that changes the dispatch model 15:12
jdv this is the way
[Coke] Should be transparent to users and (by next release) should be faster (and have more options for optimization) 15:13
jdv iirc its been mentioned many times in the weekly 15:14
Nemokosch what ever "the weekly" is 😅 I can vaguely recall something from the conference though 15:17
[Coke] most new development has been on that branch, hope to merge it back to primary branch shortly.
[Coke] rakudoweekly.blog/ 15:18
a weekly "newsletter"
Nemokosch oh interesting 15:19
Geth doc/heredoc-output: 30b7bd6d43 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/quoting.pod6
Add output to "multiple heredoc" example

The docs previously stated that you can start multiple heredocs on a single line, but didn't neither said what effect that had nor showed the output in the accompanying example.
This commit adds both an explanation and example output.
doc: codesections++ created pull request #3968:
Add output to "multiple heredoc" example
Geth doc/unordered-enums: 9eb11c966a | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Clarify that enum iteration is unordered

Because enums are Maps, they do not iterate in any defined order. But the docs didn't mention this, and provided an example that suggested ordered iteration. This commit adds a note to that effect and updates the example
doc: codesections++ created pull request #3969:
Clarify that enum iteration is unordered
dwarring building HTML::Canvas on new-disp branch 18:14
tellable6 2021-09-28T02:03:57Z #raku <[Coke]> dwarring can you golf gist.github.com/coke/1941961de1897...4ffee7b61? It's the last blocker to merge new-disp branch on rakudo, and there is a LOT going on under the hood there.
[Coke] dwarring: it's fixed!
jnthn found a missing guard.
dwarring awesome
yes there is a lot going on there 18:15
I'll yest it in a while to verify
dwarring test 18:17
dwarring HTML::Canvas tests now passing on new-disp 18:48
lizmat whee! 19:04
sjn Hey guys, what's considered the best way to install rakudo these days? I have my own Makefile that checks out stuff from git and builds it. Is rakudobrew still ok? 19:15
sjn I see there is something called rakubrew.org 19:16
lizmat sjn: I understand that's the recommended one nowadays
sjn ah, cool 19:17
ugexe rakudobrew became rakubrew 19:22
Geth doc: 30b7bd6d43 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/quoting.pod6
Add output to "multiple heredoc" example

The docs previously stated that you can start multiple heredocs on a single line, but didn't neither said what effect that had nor showed the output in the accompanying example.
This commit adds both an explanation and example output.
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/quoting
doc: 2b58999697 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/quoting.pod6
Merge pull request #3968 from Raku/heredoc-output

Add output to "multiple heredoc" example
Geth doc/unordered-enums: cf3b74226a | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Correct statement re: cause of unordered iteration

My previous commit stated that `enum`s provide unordered iteration because they _are_ `Map`s. That is incorrect. `enum`s provide unordered iteration because the relevant iteration methods _create_ a corresponding `Map` to iterate over.
This commit corrects that misstatement.
ugexe codesections: i think one way to know if a react block is setup is to set a flag at the end of the react block 22:44
not exactly elegant 22:45
start { react { whenever $supplier { say $_ }; $ready = True }; }
await start { while not $ready { } };
jjido ugexe I have no issue with that pattern. Looks fine 23:06