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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
Geth ecosystem: 72816eb1d4 | L'Alabameñu++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Added Regex::FuzzyToken

Should be added in anticipation of the Day 15 advent calendar
ecosystem: aa92047a29 | (David Warring)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #475 from alabamenhu/patch-5

Added Regex::FuzzyToken
jmerelo .seen nige 07:29
tellable6 jmerelo, I saw nige 2019-11-26T07:16:25Z in #raku: <nige_> (another good way to attract users)
jmerelo .seen arnesom
tellable6 jmerelo, I haven't seen arnesom around, did you mean arunesh?
jmerelo A bit of meta-object protocols today in th eadvent calendar! rakuadventcalendar.wordpress.com/2...kudos-mop/ 07:39
tellable6 2019-12-13T12:04:49Z #raku <Kaiepi> jmerelo, resent the draft through email
2019-12-13T15:03:00Z #raku <tbrowder> jmerelo day 14 is on wp site as draft looking good. i'm traveling next 3 days and ceasing full-speed work on backup, looking to flesh it out more as backup for day 20. if needed earlier let me know asap.
jmerelo .tell Kaiepi thanks!
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to Kaiepi
jmerelo .tell tbrowder thanks too!
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
Geth doc: f6224bc886 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | doc/Programs/03-environment-variables.pod6
mscha m: sub foo(Pair $p) { say "$p.key(): $p.value()" }; foo(:hello<world>); 12:30
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
mscha Is there any way to DWIM? In other words, pass a Pair to a sub or method? 12:31
m: sub foo(Pair $p) { say "$p.key(): $p.value()" }; my $hw = :hello<world>; foo($hw);
camelia hello: world
mscha Yes, that works, but is there a more elegant way? 12:32
mscha m: sub foo(Pair $p) { say "$p.key(): $p.value()" }; foo('hello' => 'world'); 12:36
camelia hello: world
mscha To answer my own question: use 'key' => value, where key must be quoted.
mscha sub foo($x) { say 1/$x }; for 3...-3 { foo($_); CATCH { say "oops"; last } } # expected 14:08
evalable6 0.333333
mscha m: sub foo($x) { for (^1) { say 1/$x } }; for 3...-3 { foo($_); CATCH { say "oops"; last } }
camelia 0.333333
mscha `last` in my second example applies to the loop in `sub foo`. Is this a bug or a feature?
lizmat afaik, it is intended as a feature 14:10
lizmat just like a "return" in a block will return from the outer sub, not from the block 14:10
mscha But this is different: it breaks not from an _outer_ loop, but from a loop in another sub. 14:11
mscha m: sub foo($x) { say 1/$x }; BAR: for 3...-3 { foo($_); CATCH { say "oops"; last BAR } } # workaround 14:12
camelia 0.333333
lizmat ah, I see what you mean... 14:17
lizmat I think this has to do with 3 ... -3 being optimized to not be seen as a for loop 14:18
could you try with --optimize=0 ?
mscha m: sub foo($x) { for (^1) { say 1/$x } }; BAR: for 3...-3 { foo($_); CATCH { say "oops"; last BAR } } # workaround applied to the actual problem case
camelia 0.333333
mscha lizmat: same with `--optimize=0`. Anyway, I encountered this problem in a more complicated scenario, in a `loop` that definitely can't be optimized away. 14:20
lizmat then most definitely an issue is warranted :-)
mscha OK, I'll report it. 14:21
lizmat mscha++ 14:22
ok: I think I'm tickling a race condition in precomping 14:23
scenario: recompile, run "make spectest" with TEST_JOBS=16, a number of tests fail 14:24
all of these tests use a local test library
run the test separately, under make or direct: all ok
run "TEST_JOBS=1 make spectest" and all is clear
lizmat then run "make spectest" (with TEST_JOBS=16) and all is fine also 14:25
mscha github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3353 14:32
guifa2 ¡jmerelo! 18:52
jmerelo guifa2: hey 18:53
guifa2 I just need to link my module to the article and it should be ready except for two things: emoji in code blocks are going crazy and the codeblock's fonts are too large. 18:56
jmerelo guifa2: what I did was to upload them as a gist
then you cna edit code and embed them with [gist gist-url] 18:57
It looks fine now.
I mean the emojis in code
At least the butterfly
guifa2 Okay when I did the preview, it showed some replacement code (I guess wordpress was s/emoji/<img alt=emojiname>/) 18:58
jmerelo I'm adding a link to docs 18:59
Hope it does not break anything
I'll revert if it does
Um, it looks fine 19:00
Check it just in case, WP does weird things
I'm AFK now, send me an email if there's any problem
guifa2 Weird, on my end it replaces the emoji as <img draggable="false" role="img" class="emoji" alt="🦋" src="s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wp...b.svg">
jmerelo guifa2: as I say, maybe the best is to upload it to a gist if you don't want it changed (and also highlighted) 19:01
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! PDF::ISO_32000 (0.0.8) by 03WARRINGD 19:11
jmerelo OK, I came back 19:27
guifa2 I s/🦋/«ö» just be safe and things look okay
jmerelo guifa2: 19:28
Problem is, the articles for the next two days aren't ready yet
guifa2: it's a great article, lots of high magic there 19:30
guifa2: added again the link to docs 19:32
guifa2: would be great if you would add links to docs where you saw fit
guifa2 Crap sorry I forgot to make sure I was working on the right version. Sorry to ruin your work 19:33
I'll do some of that later tonight (probably a little bit after it posts) 19:36
jmerelo guifa2: just a link, no big deal
guifa2: OK, whenever you can, no big deal either 19:37
guifa2: it's just what we want to gather links to the new docs so that they start showing up in searches.
guifa2 Yeah, exactly. And also helpful for anyone reading the article too :-)
vrurg .tall Kaiepi There is an error in your article. Int.^name is equivalent to Int.HOW.name(Int), not Int.HOW.name 20:13
.tell Kaiepi There is an error in your article. Int.^name is equivalent to Int.HOW.name(Int), not Int.HOW.name
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to Kaiepi
Kaiepi ? 20:20
tellable6 2019-12-14T07:39:37Z #raku <jmerelo> Kaiepi thanks!
Kaiepi it says `Int.HOW.name: Int` though
vrurg Kaiepi: in this case. But in genereal, Type.^method is Type.HOW.method(Type) 20:52
And some methods rely on the first parameter to be the object they deal with.
Kaiepi vrurg should it be saying `Int.HOW.name(Int)` instead of `Int.HOW.name: Int`? idk how what you said is different from what's written 21:01
vrurg Kaiepi: It should to avoid misguidance. People would be wondering why Type.^method acts differently sometimes from Type.HOW.method. The difference is in the parameter. 21:02
Kaiepi ahh, aight 21:03
vrurg So, basically, when you do Type.^method, Raku's method signature is method(HOW: Mu \type-object)
Kaiepi++ for the rest of the article; i.e. for 99.99% of it. :D 21:07