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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
librasteve 👍 09:48
Geth docker: fb46bca51e | (Daniel Mita)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 4 files
Bump to 2024.08
librasteve wayland76: I am not quite up to speed on the TOP ideas yet ... but I have possible related modules (Dan dataframes and Net::Google::Sheets) that may be adjusted to be "TOP drivers" if I understand correctly (and there are others with SQL stuff) ... initiall a quick question would it not be better to use groupby instead of by in the TOP errr top level API? 10:03
tellable6 librasteve, I'll pass your message to wayland
tbrowder hi, just pondering. vim has .vimrc, bash has .bashrc, does raku have .rakurc? if not, why not? 10:29
lizmat cause we don't want to go looking for a file / interpreting that at every startup? 10:35
that's why there are environment variables that you can set, which are checked when needed 10:36
El_Che tbrowder: because vim and bashrc have million configurations and supported features 10:42
tellable6 2024-08-29T18:18:16Z #raku-dev <jdv> El_Che the release is done
antononcube @librasteve Yes, TOP’s goals / mission statement are the same as those behind data frames in R. 10:53
More precisely, actually, those of R’s “tidyverse”. 10:54
TPO’s “changing of backends” property is provided by “tidyverse” — same pipelines can used for data manipulation or transformation with Apache Spark, SQL engines, or R’s native data frames. 10:58
ab5tract One place I could see a config file coming in handy could be for running a REPL 11:04
but this would make more sense as a configuration for a package that extends the repl, than for the repl itself 11:05
ab5tract Syy .pyrrc -- github.com/pry/pry/wiki/Customizat...figuration 11:10
ab5tract though the built in Ruby repl (irb) also has a useful config file 11:14
tbrowder hm, i guess i could just use my own local module... 11:26
tbrowder makes much better sense 11:34
[Coke] aigh, there are several "Linux::<foo>" modules, but one "Linux-<bar>" 14:38
timo do we have any feelings about the classification system python has? 14:50
pypi.org/classifiers/ 14:51
isn't a solution to naming inconsistencies of course 14:58
just a general thought
jaguart is this working for anyone else? raku-advent.blog/2019/12/02/crud-c...-tutorial/ 15:09
timo jaguart: what problem are you encountering? 15:19
it could be that the tutorial has become outdated by changes to Cro?
jaguart oh - I meant the website - the tutorial is actually fab 15:20
and the tutorial works fine with current Cro
timo oh, yeah i was able to load the page just fine, including the meme in the middle
jaguart fab thanks - will close my 2M+ tabs... gulp 15:22
timo oh no!
ugexe [Coke]: maybe this distinction isn't what you're commenting on, but personally I prefer Linux-<foo> for distribution names and Linux::<foo> for module names 15:27
[Coke] "are things in the raku ecosystem modules or distributions?"
ugexe since the distribution name usually wants to be mapped to the file system directly, i.e. a directory Linux-Foo and not Linux::Foo 15:28
or Linux-Foo.tar.gz and not Linux::Foo.tar.gz
its both. but you cant upload *just* a module to any ecosystem, you upload a distribution that contains 0 or more modules
this distinction can sort of be seen in zef, which I don't think ever mentions the word "module" in its output, only distribution 15:31
jaguart I'm looking for projects using Cro::HTTP and Cro::WebApp::Template etc that folks are willing to share - having read the docs I am still frustrated by what should be simple things. I have worked through github.com/search?q=%22Cro%3A%3AHT...=advsearch 15:36
This is fab - github.com/Altai-man/sample-cro-crud - any others to share? 15:37
timo you can ask specific questions here if you like 15:43
tonyo1 jaguart: i think hummingbird is also based upon cro 15:45
jaguart starts perusing the Humming-Bird repo... 15:52
patrickb Humming bird and Cro are completely separate things. 15:59
github.com/raku/RakudoCibot is a middle sized Cro app 16:00
jaguart yeah - I'd spotted that, and Humming-Bird::Core naming pings the Coke/ugexe naming chat :) 16:02
thanks @patrickb - I will cogitate... 16:04
xinming Hi, I saw there is RakuAST is updated for each released, Is this the new future of the raku implmeentation? 16:10
timo xinming: in the future, we want to parse and compile everything with RakuAST as the backend, yes 16:26
antononcube There is a "resident" YAML expert -- @ingy 17:03
@ingy I wonder / consider is there any utility of converting Markdown files into YAML files. (1) Is a proper, consistent conversion theoretically and/or practically possible? (2) Or there are certain limitations? 17:07
librasteve jaguart: also to mention that (as you may know) raku.land is Cro based ... 17:12
[Coke] research 17:24
[Coke] ww 17:36
antononcube 🙂 17:39
@Coke If your "research" and "ww" were / are directed to me, then yes, I researched. (More precisely, "LLMed.") 17:40
timo "ww" means "what i wrote last was put into the wrong window by accident" 17:42
antononcube I thought it means "you are welcome" -- "wrong window" seems a better fit (I have to admit.) 17:45
[Coke] timo has it.
antononcube Damn! I could have not researched, then. Just wait for @ingy to respond. 17:47
lizmat Discord people: bitbang.social/@profoundlynerdy/11...1301920704 18:19
scullucs It appears that invites to the Discord server are disabled, so I message @roguerakudev for help. 18:23
*messaged 18:24
timo hm. index and rindex, but split and no rsplit? 18:35
lizmat that would only makes sense with a number of splits, right? 18:37
otherwise .split.reverse ?
roguerakudev Is the permanent invite link in #info-and-rules not working? (discord.gg/gg2a3T6) 18:43
antononcube @timo Even worse -- there are rand and srand but no rrand.
timo lizmat: correct. it could even be a way to make negative numbers make sense for the limit argument
roguerakudev I disabled individuals creating new invite links so we wouldn't have a bunch of different temporary invite codes floating around
timo i think the question is about the source code of the bridge bot, not how to get into the discord? 18:44
roguerakudev Ah yes, it looks like that is the case for the Mastodon post linked 18:45
lizmat m: dd "foo:bar:baz".split(":", *-2) # that could work
camelia Cannot resolve caller Real(WhateverCode:D: ); none of these signatures matches:
(Mu:U \v:: *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat still, rsplit feels more in line with index/rindex 18:46
problem solving issue?
[Coke] raku.land/cpan:KOBOLDWIZ/Soundn::Tina - has a single test file which explicitly plans 0 tests. 19:32
feels like that should be a negative mark on raku.land. 19:33
timo oh, i recognize that cpan user name from the meta auth entry 19:56
i don't expect working code from that user tbh 19:58
`$*.channel08bits` that's an interesting construct for sure 20:00
all their modules are mostly methods in classes with often but not always some attributes 20:06
timo what's the softest kind of hammer we can use for these? 20:07
timo oh, is actually still around sometimes 20:16
tbrowder i would vote for rsplit, 20:52
[Coke] blin reporting on Time-Duration and Time::Duration - can't search for the former on raku.land? 22:39
ugexe that dist might not have a META6.json, only a META.info 22:49
yep tahts it
[Coke] do you have the URL of the repo handy? 22:52
just curious what it looks like
[Coke] remembers zef exists and can ask that. 22:54
'zef info Twitter' points at a .targz that's under zoffix's github which itself redirects to what looks like a new version under community modules. 23:18
sorry, zef info Twitter -> raw.githubusercontent.com/raku/REA...%3E.tar.gz -> unzips to Twitter-e30a2715d5a3b5b25ffb98d3b2f07972dbd98868/ which is a snapshot of a zoffixnet version. 23:19
ugexe the version in the tar.gz is 1.001001 which is higher than the one in community modules 23:33