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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:04 jaguart joined
[Coke] opened a ticket. 00:07
00:08 jaguart left
ugexe releasing any version to the zef ecosystem would also solve it 00:54
[Coke] cool 01:02
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antononcube @lucs Do you have a Twitter/X link to the "10,000 rods thrown at a rock" question/puzzle? 13:26
13:31 Maylay left, Maylay joined 13:56 thaewrapt joined
scullucs x.com/pickover/status/1827493255241429191 13:57
Cliff Pickover often posts short puzzles. Many (most?) of them are trivial to solve, but once in a while, he comes up with stuff like this. 13:59
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antononcube @lucs Well, I posted my questions as an answer -- I think they deserve wider audience!! 😎 x.com/antononcube/status/1831334134700245291 14:19
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tonyo1 .seen rf 16:42
tellable6 tonyo1, I saw rf 2023-08-07T20:59:12Z in #raku: <rf> Where does this person get gremlins from? Besides that I think they liked Raku?
tonyo1 woof
16:44 Manifest0 joined
antononcube @tonyo1 Long time, no @rf... 17:07
tonyo1 bummer
all this ecosystem stuff is using humming-bird
it's in review now and then i'll write docs & publish. then it's migration planning for the zef eco 17:08
and then, finally, consistent and immediate messaging about dist upload failures
17:14 dakkar left 17:24 silug joined
jaguart In this Cro template, I see the HTML tag in the PAGE macro - but no actual HEAD or BODY tags, where/how are these emitted? gitlab.com/raku-land/raku-land/-/b...type=heads 17:28
17:57 izel joined
librasteve jaguart: interesting link into the heart of raku.land Cro app ... I am as mystified as you 18:25
^^ maybe this?
18:32 jaguart left 18:41 bdju left, bdju joined
in a nutshell, we are supposed to omit html, head and body (either use them or omit all of them for consistency) --- there are also some very odd guidelines about sometimes dropping end tags which for one will not be adopting 18:46
(in the browser inspector they are magically added back in)
so I guess you need to marshall all your links and metas to be together at the top of your .html 18:47
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