13 Jun 2022
finanalyst patrickb: you actually. You sent me a message in Feb. I just got some time to od raku 17:14
Also, I'm trying to get a module on to fez, but failing
Coke: Hi. I'm trying to get a module into the Ecosystem via fez. I've looked at the documentation, but can't find my error 17:20
patrickb: yes, but according to the documentation, fez should give feedback about the name of the module. 17:28
Also, when I run 'fez list' I get a zero response 17:29
Coke: CWT-Repository-Hash 18:02
Coke: Found reason for failure of my module to upload to fez. Errors in META6.json 18:29
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15 Jun 2022
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29 Jun 2022
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finanalyst Can anyone help with a github actions problem? zef is not listing the most recent module version on github, but it does locally 12:31
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29 Jun 2023
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13 Nov 2024
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16 Nov 2024
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17 Nov 2024
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