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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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antononcube @lizmat A very important question: Can the emojis be pipelined and upside-downed? 15:00
lizmat upside-downed: not afaik 15:02
tellable6 2024-12-28T18:55:21Z #raku <timo> lizmat moin moin
lizmat pipelined? Not sure what you mean? 15:03
antononcube Yeah, just tried it. 😦
Oh, "pipelined" is /was a hint for having a CLI for "Text::Emojis".
Meaning, would have been nice to write in the shell something like: to-emoji "I :heart: :beer:" | ud 15:05
lizmat antononcube version .0.0.5 has an "em" script 15:26
% em I :heart: :beer: 15:27
I ❤️ 🍺
% echo I :heart: :beer: | em
I ❤️ 🍺
15:30 bartolin left
antononcube 🎉 15:32
lizmat :tada: :-) 15:34
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Geth ecosystem/main: 4edc8acdee | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Context

It's not testable nor installable and probably very out of date compared with current async features, such as Channels
ecosystem/main: 75c56b95da | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove DB::Rscs

Because this is a client to a daemon that also hasn't been updated in 5 years. And there are probably better alternatives nowadays.
xinming m: my $s = "fd11::/64"; $s ~~ rx/ "/" (\d+)/; $0.say; 21:44
camelia 64
xinming github.com/raku-community-modules/...v6.rakumod Anyone here would give an example of how I can use this grammer to validate and parse the ipv6 address? 22:00
I know I need to read the docs more, But since I want to make things work first. So I'll read the doc later. :-) 22:01
What I want to do is parse ipv6 address with prefixes, to extract the ipv6 prefix/prefix-length/interface-id info 22:02
timo it doesn't define a token TOP so you have to pass a named parameter to ThatGrammar.parse, i think it's called rule 22:27
so parse(..., rule => IPv6address)
xinming I gave up, I'll read more doc and use that, now, I'll use split and extract parts with length code for now 22:34
timo oh, now i understand what you mean 22:35
well, for one you can use subparse which allows a parse to succeed when it doesn't go all the way to the end
but you can also / <IETF::RFC_Grammar::IPv6::IPv6address> '/' (\d+) / i think 22:37
xinming timo: Thanks for the idea, Will go and read doc about this. I have done snippets without using grammar. 22:48
will use that for now.
22:52 sena_kun left